Friday, April 08, 2011

Fri news groups

Lex is BACK!

Religion of peace and tolerance murders dozens
Terry Jones is the nut job FL Rev? who burned a koran a couple of weeks ago. The religion of perpetual rage took it upon itself to murder a couple dozen people in Afghanistan on account of it. Hamid Karzi demanded and got a bunch of apologies for the actions of Rev? Jones. The Commander in Chief condemned Jones and the murders in pretty much equal terms. US Gen. David Petraeus told the world the murders were because of Jones’ actions. BS. The murders are not on a par with burning a book and are not the fault of anyone other than the bunch of backward thinking stuck in the 8th century cowards who did the deeds.

I’m beginning to believe in a Middle East caliphate. That is a caliphate that is run by a ruthless dictator who will slaughter anyone who gets in his way. One who will tolerate religion as long it does not challenge his power or cause bombs to fall on his head. And most importantly, one who will sell oil to the west cheaply until we get a leader who doesn’t have his head shoved so far up the butt of environmental whackos that’ll he’ll actually begin to exploit this country’s endless energy possibilities.

One way to end this BS is for every city in the civilized world to hold Fri afternoon rallies where 1,000s of korans are burned using hog fat as an accelerant.

Congress and P-BO should be first in line for zero pay if there's a shut down
I heard Demo-Dope extraordinaire (DDE) Steny Hoyer on Fox the other day. DDE Hoyer was asked why congress should continue to get paid if the government shuts down. DDE Hoyer explained that the congress would be needed to open the government back up. So the dopes that cause the crisis are going to benefit from the crisis that they caused.

I recall clearly back in 1995 during the run up to that shut down, military people were warned that they were expected to be at their posts whether they were paid or not. Now DDE Hoyer thinks the 535 are so damned important that they should continue with pay even if the rest of the government shuts down due to their idiocy.

Lead from the front Steny. 99% of these creeps don’t deserve a pay check on a good day. Let’s see how many of these money grubbing jackasses know the meaning of the word “service” and show up for no pay as they expect the military to.

P-BO and not so SHARPton; birds of a feather
I see where P-BO showed at Al let’s burn Freddy’s Fashion Mart before the Muslims get it Sharpton’s race baiting fest. That’s right, P-BO couldn’t get to the Boy Scouts of America’s 100th anniversary jamboree. He couldn’t get to Arlington to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns, but P-BO can show up an assclown of a Rev’s race baiting extravaganza.

Seeing them on stage together, it was hard to tell which was the bigger clown. It was sort of a Bozo meets John Wayne Gacy photo op. Not so SHARPton being the benign Bozo the clown and P-BO being more like the nefarious JGacy clown out to destroy anything he can get his hands on.

Swivel hips Eric the wad reverses field on military tribunals
Eric the wad Holder was in the news again. After consulting the Ouija board one more time, The Wad has reversed course again and will start trials for Islamo-Terror-Fascists in Guantanamo. He has now reversed field on this issue more times than the Cal football team during “the play” against Stanford. And while The Wad knows he has to do this if his boss wants to continue his tireless work destroying the country after the 2012 election, The Wad’s heart is still not in the decision. He told a congressional committee that his heart was in having the trials in NY City. So maybe The Wad ought to grow a spine and resign over the issue.  We'd all be better off.

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