Friday, March 16, 2018

Avoid a second American Civil War by amending the constitution

There something weird going on 'round the world these days.  The masters of the digital universe are in cahoots to shut down speech and thought.  It's easier to run a child porn or ISIS recruiting cite than a conservative web page these days. 

The speech police are on campus, in the MSM, HS classrooms, the newspapers (The JG has pretty much blocked any pro #2A letters) and particularly on the Interweb where conservatives are being blocked, denied funding and/or having their traffic manipulated to limit funds.  It's all going on in plain sight but no one seems to mind too much. 

Should laws that govern utilities apply to google, facebook, twitter?  Seem to me they have a monopoly.  As such there should be rules governing equal access and fair play.  

Idunno private companies, intellectual property and all. My guess is that were the shoe on the other foot Chuckles the weeping clown Schumer would be crying to the MSM everyday.

The JG gun grabber piece

Re: Ron Tiernon’s letter, “Trump’s parade would have teachable moments” of Mar 16, 2018

According to Tiernon, there are plenty of good (sarcastic) reasons to support PDJT’s military parade scheduled to take place in Caligula, D.C. on Veterans Day. But Tiernon’s goofy idea that it will persuade law abiding Americans to give up their Second Amendment rights because the parade will demonstrate to them the futility of facing the might of the American military with their (still undefined) “military-style assault rifles”, is not one of them.

Tiernon obviously is no student of military history beginning with the birth of his own country.  Neither does he seem to have the slightest clue about the role of the American military with regard to defending the country.

The American military is sworn to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”. The American military is not sworn to defend the Democrat party, anti-Constitutional rulings from the Supreme Court or even the political whims of the majority of Americans at any given moment.

There are 27 very easily understood words in the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. If Tiernon and his ilk think that the military will ignore those words and simply go along with the knee-jerk impulses of gun grabbers he is sadly mistaken. 

When law enforcement begins to try to round up 300 million American firearms at the behest of Lefty Lib agitators, they will quickly learn that they are out manned and out gunned. If Democrats try to mobilize the military against the U.S. Constitution, given the make of the military, my guess is that the great majority will refuse - as will be their duty according to their oath - or will join the Constitutionalists bringing their armories with them.

A second American Civil War fought to ignore the Second Amendment will end badly for Tiernon and the anti-constitutionalist side.     

Such a Civil War can be avoided by amending the constitution to reflect the gun grabbers’ desires.  That is a politically untenable position for the gun grabber.  So they are forever pushing “the law” toward the ultimate goal – confiscation of American firearms.

When we reach the point that government demands Americans turn over their guns, the likely response from many of them will be, “come and take them”.  Ironically when the shooting starts Tiernon and the bunch that got the ball rolling are likely to be the same ones hiding under their bed sheets waiting for men with guns to come save them.   

Trump's parade would have teachable moments
There is criticism of President Donald Trump's military parade idea from the left and right. People believe it would be a waste of money.
Considering how much of life is zen, it might be a good thing.
We spend about $1 trillion a year on our military and war. What is $10 million or even $20 million if it helps people understand what we are doing?
Americans who listen to and watch corporate news (owned by weapon makers) are constantly told our military is underfunded. There might be a benefit to seeing how tax money is spent. Telling Americans that we have the most powerful (and expensive) military in the history of this planet doesn't seem to be working.
We might even get some fifth-generation fighter jets in the parade. They really aren't that big, and people should know what $160 million looks like.
I believe a military parade would be helpful to the gun control debate. One justification for private ownership of military-style assault weapons is that they may be needed to fight a tyrannical American government.
I would hope that seeing actual military weapons would make gun owners realize they are unlikely to defeat a determined American military with semiautomatic small arms.
A national military parade would also benefit the health care and social services debate. Americans could see why we can't afford single-payer health care, food, shelter, education, etc. for our citizens.
We could even have two parades, one for war and one for peace. We are staring into the abyss of destroying ourselves and life on this planet. Too few Americans are actively working for peace, but they definitely deserve a parade.
Fort Wayne for Peace

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Mr.Tiernon does not recognize the obvious. It would begin as a low grade Guerrilla War. Reference The Minutemen, John Browns Raid, JFK and LBJ micromanaging The Vietnam War. And what would happen today if a president rounded up a minority, say Japanese Americans, and placed them in camps like FDR did? Lex is right. Once it starts loyalties begin sorting themselves. Which includes the military. The 2nd Amendment holds within it an unspoken attitude and belief that the people can overcome oppressors of freedom, being they foriegn or domestic. The first thing oppressors confiscate are the firearms. Which means that the more government restricts the 2nd the more alarmed and wary the populace should be. What will be the motivations of our govt 20 years from now? No one can predict it.