Monday, March 12, 2018

PDJT's names work, in part, because they are accurate

In PA last week PDJT said the dumb as hoe handle Maxine Waters was “a very low IQ individual”.  Anyone with half a brain who has had the least amount of exposure to Waters is thinking, “Well yeah”.  But low IQ Waters is a black nincompoop so calling her “low IQ”, no matter how utterly stupid she actually is, is clearly racist.

This can all be cleared up by a simple test.  If low IQ Maxine is so smart she can prove it by submitting to an IQ test.  I’ll bet there is a test for low IQ Maxine already out there somewhere.  I had to take one somewhere along the way.  The charts and graphs that accompanied the results comparing me to the rest of the class told me I had achieved an “average score”.  Makes sense.  I’m an average guy in about very measurable way. Okay maybe a tick under, but close enough.

I never considered myself smarter than the average guy anyway, but when you see yourself graphed out and pretty much dead center, it’s a good wake up call.  I clearly was never going to rise by outthinking the crowd.  So what’s left?  Well, I tried to show up earlier, stay later, study, work harder, seek advice, PT and above all offer honest, thereby, out of the ordinary opinions.  As a result, I had an average Marine Corps career.  Which makes sense, because I’m pretty much an average guy.

So low IQ Maxine, time to fess up.  Are you average?  A Wily E. Coyote super genius?  A dullard?  The world wonders.

The one thing we do know is that low IQ Maxine is not a sleepy eyed SOB.  That title has been reserved for NBC’s Chuck Todd who wears it well.

PREDICTION: PDJT will never stop assigning names to opponents.  That strategy has worked out far too well for him to ever stop.  They work because the names always have an element of truth in them.  PDJT destroyed the Republican field in 2016 with it.  He destroyed crooked Hillary with it.  CNN and fake news are now synonymous.  Pocahontas Warren has already been chased from the 2020 Demo-Dope presidential field.  Now sleepy eyed SOB Chuck Todd has been leveled.  I saw a tape of him interviewing Steve Mnuchin on Sunday, and it was clear that he’s rattled by it, because he says he’s “worried about the children”.  Don’t worry Chuck, you sleepy eyed SOB, unless childhood has slid off the rails, they ain’t watchin’.

JG freezing out letters in support of 2A
The JG pretty much refuses to print an equal number of letters in support of the 2A.  I sent a letter to the local radio station explaining the situation and asking that they consider reading some letters on air:

Mar 11, 2018
Dear WOWO Programing Director:
Given the dearth of letters to the editor on the pages of the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette supporting the Second Amendment after the Parkland shootings, it seems the JG is freezing out anyone who does not want to ban and/or confiscate certain classes of weapons.  That being the case, I was wondering if WOWO would consider a feature called, “Letters the JG refuses to print”.
The segment would consist of soliciting letters sent to the JG on hot topics of the day that went unpublished and reading them on air.  Pretty straight forward.
I know letters go unpublished for a variety of reasons, foul language, unnecessarily abusive style, length etc. However the JG will print one, two or even three letters a day attacking the Second Amendment and only one or two half-hearted letters a week in defense.
I suspect that the quality and quantity of letters submitted to the JG in support of Second Amendment rights is not a problem.  Rather the heavy thumb of the Lefty Lib editorial board at the JG, scared to death of an honest and robust debate, is trying to tip the scales.

Anyhoo, just a programming idea for your careful consideration.

Monday’s JG gun offering
Re: Gaylen E Twigg’s letter, “What could…go wrong”, of Mar 12, 2018

Gaylen Twigg wonders, rhetorically, “What could possibly go wrong” with our vast nuclear arsenal in the hands of President Donald J. Trump.

Well for the blame America first crowd apparently just about everything has gone wrong.  Since his swearing in President Donald J. Trump has:

Pretty much destroyed the ISIS caliphate that grew under Obama

Cut government regulations

Expanded the economy to nearly full employment

Set conditions for historically low unemployment rate for blacks and Hispanics

Encouraged a manufacturing boom

Turned America into one of the world’s largest energy exporters

Cut taxes

Protected American security by protecting our steel and aluminum industries from unfair trade practices

Got us out of the Paris Accords

Got us out of TTP

Renegotiating NAFTA

Offered a generous solution for DACA

Has North Korea rethinking their nuclear strategy

Presided over a stock market boom

Cut illegal immigration by 67%

And most importantly, since about 9:30 pm on Nov 8, 2016, Donald J. Trump has exposed Lefty Libs as a bunch of petulant, whining, sniveling, crybabies desperately hoping for America’s failure under President Trump rather than offer him any credit for the country’s current prosperity and security.

I think America is just winning too much for the #NEVERTRUMP crowd, and that’s just sad.  

What could ... go wrong?'
If our gun laws are properly revised and enforced to prevent mass killings by the mentally ill, the unstable and major lawbreakers, Donald J. Trump will not be allowed nor should he be allowed to purchase or own a firearm.
Yet we've put our vast nuclear arsenal in the hands of a delusional, paranoid, vindictive, totally mendacious bully who can't take the slightest criticism without retaliation.
What could possibly go wrong?
Gaylen E. Twigg
Fort Wayne 

Sunday’s JG gun offering

Re: Ron Flickinger’s letter “Teacher Vs gunman is armed with fear” of Mar 11, 2018

Back when it was in vogue, men considered it a DUTY to step up when the helpless were threatened. Now, according to Flickinger, during a school shooting, they’re expected to cower in the corner wetting themselves hoping the cops show up before they get shot. That is not an attractive way to live…or to die.

Flickinger would rather tolerate the slaughter of innocents than arm himself to do anything that might level the playing field against a school shooter; anything that is that doesn’t include grabbing guns from law abiding citizens.

I have known several capable teachers and school employees who, if asked, would consider it an honor and a duty to arm themselves as the last line of defense between a crazed shooter and their students.  Flickinger has never met any people like that, probably because he chooses to live in a cocoon surrounded by like-minded people.  He might want to consider widening his circle of friends and associates.

In fact, Mr. Flickinger, 18 states (surprisingly including 5 beep blue states) already allow adults with carry permits to be armed on campus so long as they get proper approval from school officials. 

But certainly shaking fear, unarmed, in pool of your own waste while begging for your life is one of the top 25,000 or so reactions to a school shooting.  For myself, I would like to be given the opportunity to choose something a bit different.

Teacher vs. gunman is armed with fear
As a proud army veteran (an infantry-trained grunt) and one who has been actively involved with Fort Wayne Community Schools for 48 years, I would like to weigh in on the suggestion by our chief elected official that we should arm teachers to keep our schools safe.
I served on the staffs of eight different schools and I cannot think of one person with whom I worked who would be capable of coming to school “locked and loaded” to keep us all safe.
Of all those educators, the one I would trust the least would be me – and I was probably the only person in most of those buildings who actually had weapons training. I can't speak to the experience of being in a war zone with bullets flying, but even in training I can remember the absolute chaos – the noise, confusion and, yes, fear. Putting me in a position of being involved in an active firefight against any weapon, let alone an automatic one, has to be the result of political leaders, particularly the delusionary one in the White House, watching too much television. I can't imagine anyone being so far removed from reality as to suggest such a ridiculous strategy to protect young people in a culture that celebrates violence regularly.
I would challenge any rational political leaders (I am sure there are some out there) to seek truth from the experts/researchers in mental health, education, sociology, law enforcement and even the military, then make rational decisions on the many and varied steps that will be needed to stop all this nonsense. But I am guessing those steps will be a bit politically dangerous, so I am not going to hold my breath.
Are we ever going to consider using knowledge and reason to determine our social policies? If we do, I am sure that knowledge and reason would never consider arming school teachers.
Ron Flickinger
Fort Wayne

Saturday’s JG gun offering
Re: Ed Smith’s letter “Here’s what students should demand on gun” of Mar 10, 2o18

Here’s what students should know

A primer for Indiana students organizing or participating in March for Our Lives.

The AR-15 is a semiautomatic rifle.  Stripped of the gun grabber modifiers like the still undefined yet dreaded “assault-style weapon”, an AR-15 functions in the exact same manner as about 46% of America’s over 300 million firearms.

Next, if you learn nothing else, learn this: criminals do not care one bit about America’s over 20,000 gun laws already in place.  California is one of 6 states that prohibits residents from owning or buying “assault weapons”.  On Dec 2, 2015 two criminal jihadists killed 14 people and wounded 21 others using supposedly “banned” weapons.

The Supreme Court has “rejected” nothing with regard to extending Second Amendment rights to semiautomatic weapons.  The Second Amendment still says what it says.

In response to this ironclad logic of the Vietnam era: If you’re old enough to go to war, you ought to be old enough to vote; in 1971 states ratified the 26th Amendment reducing the voting age from 21 to 18.  Now the gun grabbers are turning logic on its head by arguing: 18 is old enough for Uncle Sam to put a rifle in your hands but not old enough for you to own one for yourself.

The background check is the biggest canard perpetrated on the public by gun grabbers. .07 percent of criminals obtain a gun through the supposed “gun show loophole”. 

Here’s another thing to remember.  Lefty Libs only trust young people as far as they think that they can trust you to vote Democrat. They do not trust you to make an informed decision about buying a pack of cigarettes, a six pack of beer, a rifle or obtaining a concealed carry permit. In short, Lefty Libs do not trust your judgement on anything other than voting for them.  Like the Parkland kids, they are using you.

Here's what students should demand on guns
A primer for Indiana students organizing or participating in March For Our Lives on March 00:
Don't let anyone tell you it isn't the laws that are the problem and that AR-15 assault-style weapons are protected by the Second Amendment. Six states and the District of Columbia have banned assault-style weapons and large- capacity magazines. The Supreme Court recently rejected a challenge to a ban on these assault-style weapons, leaving in place the lower court's decision that such a ban is permissible under the Second Amendment.
Laws that provide legal access to firearms by individuals younger than 21 increase the risk of school shootings. Most school shootings involve an individual who is a student at the school or a former student. These individuals typically have anger issues related to problems they encountered in school. We should not provide them with legal access to these weapons.
Federal law only requires a background check by a federally licensed firearm dealer. An individual who has been declined as a result of a background check can purchase the firearm from a private seller at a gun show in Indiana. Private sellers in Indiana legally sell all types of firearms, including AR-15-style assault weapons, to individuals age 18 and older without a background check. Only federally licensed dealers are restricted from selling handguns to individuals younger than 21.
Indiana will issue a license to carry a firearm in public to individuals age 18 and older subject to a background check. Most states restrict these licenses to 21 and older. Studies show that states with the weakest gun laws have the highest rate of gun deaths.
Tell your representatives to protect your school with universal background checks on all gun purchases, a ban on AR-15-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, and to restrict gun purchases and concealed-carry licenses to age 21 and older.
Ed Smith
President, Hoosiers Concerned About Gun Violence

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