Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Is Mueller crooked or is he just acting like he is?

I have said before that do not know if Special Council Bob Mueller is a crook or not.  I do know given his close relationship with many of the primary players in his investigation he would appear to be, at a minimum, terribly conflicted. 

Add to that the fact that he has chosen to load his team up with a baker’s dozen of highly partisan Demo-Dope political contributors and hacks, has turned a blind eye to any and all Demo-Dope crimes, charged process crimes that do not exist and plays this charade of an investigation out in slow motion to run up against the mid-term election, and sure I get the sense that he’s a Demo-Dope hack and a crooked cop. 

Prove me wrong, Bob. Put something, anything out there to indicate that you are playing it down the middle.  

My case against Bob Mueller is that given his cozy relationships with the main players, many of whom have now been fired or demoted due to their own crooked misconduct, he should have never taken the job in the first place.  If you’re conflicted and decide to take the job anyway, expect to be called a crook until you prove that you are not.

ASIDE:  Why do Peter Sztrok and his girlfriend still have jobs?

According to the MSM, Dopes and Rat establishment Republicans Mueller is some kind of Mohammad-like deity who cannot be criticized, lampooned or caricatured.  “He must be allowed to do his work.” 

Okay, just one question: for how long?  When your contractor is into the 16th month of a 3 month bathroom remodel project is it okay to fire him, or must he be allowed to do his work?  Pretty sure we’d all have fired his azz at about the 6 month mark. 

What the Mueller defenders would demand is that we write the contractor a blank check and give him free reign over the estate allowing him to dig up the garden, fill in the swimming pool and put a bowling alley in the basement, all while ignoring the bathroom.

Somehow Bob Mueller cannot be asked by anyone simple questions we all have a right to know the answers to, 1) what do you have so far, 2) where are you going with this, 3) when will you be done, 4) how much is it going to cost?  Mueller should be hauled into a closed session of congress or before a panel of 3 judges and asked these questions.

Demo-Dopes and Bob Mueller’s investigation have done more than the Russians could have ever hope to have done with regard to sowing distrust and division among the American people, and there is no end in sight.

For the shear enjoyment of watching heads explode, at 8 am on Easter Sunday morning, PDJT ought to tweet that he is seriously considering firing Mueller and having him arrested.  Then at 8:30 am tweet, "April fools!"

Demo-Dope congressman calls for armed “public pressure”
Some dickweed Dope congressman (but I repeat myself) actually called for armed “public pressure” against PDJT by Dopes and the “resistance”. Seriously.

Lex posted this to his facebook page:

When you want people to put “public pressure on the president” through force of arms, I’m sure you’ll be back at the chateau with the rest of the cowards sipping white wine while ordering more troops to the front.  I caution you to remember what happened the last time the Democrat Party started a Civil war.  If you and/or Holder want a fight with guns and knives, you’ll get one, and you will lose again - badly.

Now awaiting the knock at the door.

Today’s JG rant
There was another school shooting.  This time at a Maryland high school.  This shooting isn’t getting nearly the coverage that the FL shooting received.  Probably because the body count now stands at one – the shooter.  He was killed by a cop with a gun whose duty station was inside the school.

Does this outcome demonstrate the utility of having armed personnel – including qualified teachers – inside the school?  It does but only to people with a brain.

Also of note is that the shooter’s weapon of choice was a handgun.  That makes sense since the vast majority of gun violence in America occurs with handguns.  What doesn’t make sense is that there are already laws in place preventing the shooter from buying a handgun. Yet, somehow he still managed to get one. Weird, huh?

Does this fact demonstrate a flaw in the rush to make 21 the legal age for buying a rifle?  It does but only to people with a brain.

Meanwhile down at Stoneman-Douglas high school in FL, two students were arrested and expelled for bringing knives to school.  Will the kids at Stoneman-Douglas arrange a walk out to stop knife violence?  That would make sense as knives are far more likely to be used to murder someone than all rifles – including the dreaded but still undefined “military-style assault rifle”.    

Should we succumb to the knee-jerk reaction to raise the minimum age for buying a knife or ordering a steak at a restaurant to 21?  After all, it’s for the children.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Believe the Special Counsel? I have a theory too. Emilia Earhart crashed into Atlantis, killing the last remaining Bigfoot. Then the Island sank into the ocean with Blackbeard's lost teasure. How can we or the special counsel believe the spoon fed lies from the deep state as the deep state deep sixed the truth? The whole thing is rotten. Lex is right. The special counsel formation was formed on information invented by a group that should be charged for RICO violations.