Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Mueller is a "Republican" in the mold of Brooks, Navarro and Powell

The Great One levels crooked FBI
In the post below Lex notes that the reaction to the McCabe firing from the azzclown menagerie from The Empty Suit’s WH only serves to confirm PDJT’s suspicions that TES’s bunch was out to get him.  Mark Levin ties it all up beautifully here.  

Today’s JG offering
Since they do not print my letters anymore, these missives to the JG are getting a more and more peculiar.  I suppose when one gets too crazy then they’ll print it and then the cops will use it to take my guns.  “Look at this letter.  The man is clearly crazy!”  

Re: JG Headline “Trump lashes out at Mueller; Says Republican’s team has ’13 hardened Democrats’”

In this day and age where Johnny can tell us that he identifies as the Queen of England and we are all expected to go along with his delusion and refer to him as “Your Royal Highness” or be called un-woke, racist, homophobic, white supremacists, I suppose the JG headline writing department had no choice but to refer to Robert Mueller as a “Republican” or face some hellish backlash from the owners and the rest of the JG staff.

After all, if the NY Times can call David Brooks a “conservative” (Brooks was soooo conservative that all it took for him to swoon and support Barack Obama was seeing the crease in Obama’s trousers) and CNN can call Anna Navarro a “conservative” (Navarro’s twitter account looks like a direct feed from the DNC or, were he alive, Che Guevara) then why can’t Mueller be a “Republican” a la two-timing, two-faced, two-time Obama supporter that “staunch Republican” and failed Secretary of State Colin Powell?  

When anyone tries to point out what a total racist mess, clown and doltish buffoon the Rev? Al Not-so-Sharp-ton is, the reply as often as not is, “You don’t get to pick our leaders!”  Okay fine.  Then you don’t get to call Brooks, Navarro, Powell and Mueller conservatives or even Republican. Deal?

By the way, I’m a short, clean shaven, old white guy with no athletic talent.  However, I identify as James Harden and demand that the Houston Rockets pay me.  Not only that, I’ve made up my own set pronouns that I demand be used when addressing me.  Jewalli (formal) Jewa (informal) = he  jewallamombad (formal) jewal (informal) = him jewallamombadally (formal) jewala (informal) = his.  Is that clear?

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Obama's deep state plants should be charged as violating RICO statutes in a Continuing Criminal Enterprise. The group has lied, intentionally launched and filed false charges, financially destroyed individuals, conspired to cover up their crimes, obstructed congressional oversight, illegally unmasked their targets, libled, defamed, and influenced judges. And more. Mark Levin is absolutely right on. Obama lifted Crook County politics and took them to Wash DC.