Thursday, March 08, 2018

California to go the way of CNN

PDJT’s at it again.  He picks an enemy most Americans cannot stand – CNN – and then goes after them.  Take Jeff Sessions’ speech in CA yesterday.  Could it have been more perfect?

The subject was sanctuary cities, but it could have been anything.  Sessions could have maligned CA for its BS high speed rail line to Las Vegas, or its BS highway system once the envy of the world, or the human excrement piling in San Francisco streets, or LA’s homeless tent tenement of 58K, or its cultural divide between urbanites and suburbanites, or its cultural divide of the western 1/8th of the state from the eastern, or the north-south cultural divide, or its slow motion slide from dominance and “the” place to be in the 80s to its current status as a national joke all the while electing the exact same Demo-Dopes to continue the slide into the abyss.  It has gotten so bad that even the Lefty Lib cannot stand the chaos that they have sown and are now leaving the state in droves to places like TX.

Don’t believe me.  Believe U-Haul.  It cost nearly double to get a truck out of CA as it does to get one going back to CA.  Lemmesee, econ 101, supply and demand plays into this somehow.

Jeff Sessions did not grab at any of CA’s low hanging fruit of chaos in his speech.  He went right for the sanctuary policies of the state and many of its cities.  “Sanctuary” for illegal aliens is not very popular among American voters.  So what Sessions accomplished was to take on the national joke (CA) on an issue that the state has chosen to poke a sharp sick in the eye of common sense Americans and use the stick to bludgeon CA.  Brilliant. I cannot wait for the name PDJT comes up with for the state and its idiot Gov. Jerry Brow who somehow survives the Gov. Moonbeam moniker.

Sh*thole is already taken so it’ll have to be something else that is as catchy, as demonstrably true but perhaps a bit less risqué.  PDJT is a master at labels.  I’ll leave the task to him.

So now CA, a place PDJT’s base looks on as commie state, Republicans have no chance what-so-ever of winning in, is directly in PDJT’s cross-hairs. He can unload on them pretty much 24-7 with zero political consequences. 

For their part, Dopes everywhere are on parade again protesting the rule of law, placing illegal aliens ahead of American citizens and making their open borders agenda plain for all to see.  All of that may play well in Marin County, CA but to the rest of the country it is a primary reason Donald J. Trump is president.  

Today’s JG gun offering
The reason that the discussion on “common sense” gun control is difficult is that one side hides their true intentions while calling the other side murders and terrorists. Constitutionalist trying to negotiate with gun grabbers is like Israelis trying to negotiate with Palestinians.  How do you negotiate with someone who just wants you dead?

Jay Wax let the cat out of the bag when he noted that, “And like Australia did, we can easily offer a buyback program for any of the banned weapons then melt them down.”  First off, the word “easily” is a silly notion. Unlike Australia where about 640,000 guns were confiscated, there are over 300 million guns in America today.  Do the math on the fair market value of whatever percentage of that 300 million that you intend to ban and ask yourself if it might not be cheaper to lock the doors and put armed guards in the schools.

Next, Australia did not and does not have a Second Amendment for harebrained legislation enacted by cowardly knee-jerk politicians to run afoul of. Fortunately, America does.  Fortunately, it is written in very plain language.  “[T]he right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” 

It does not say, “Congress shall make the determination, separating mere wants from essential needs, as to which arms the people will be permitted to bear.”  It does not say, “The rights of the people bear hunting rifles, shall not be infringed.”

Like a great deal of the nonsense spewed by gun grabbers, it is just plain wrong that ArmaLite Rifles are not suitable for hunting or home defense.   They are in fact ideal for small game and varmints.  The ability to customize the weapon to fit nearly any shooter, its minimal recoil, accuracy and yes, lethality makes it ideal, nay indispensable, for home defense.

Mr. Wax’s letter was good for one reason.  It let the cat of the bag as to what the true aim of “common sense” gun legislation is: An Australian-like confiscation of Americans’ guns. 

Here’s a warning the gun grabbers ought to heed. The last time the government tried to confiscate Americans’ guns was in 1775 at Lexington and Concord.  How did that work out for the gun grabbers? 

No reason to oppose sensible restrictions
There is a tired old axiom used by the gun rights crowd: “Guns don't kill, people do!” One of the reasons that slogan has stuck around is that there is a ring of truth to it. But what guns do accomplish is what they were manufactured for – to shoot things with a deadly projectile. And there are hundreds of different designs to meet that intended goal.
I am so inspired by the teens who survived the Parkland, Florida, shooting. I wanted to co-opt their slogan, “Enough is enough!” The most critical change is one that was in force for 10 years until it was allowed to expire. Also, banning sale of assault-style weapons, bump stocks and large-capacity ammunition magazines. Guns such as the AR-15 are not used for hunting. They are not suitable for home protection either. What purpose do they serve? Just one, being efficient weapons of war. As an adult, I know the difference between a want and a need. You might want an assault rifle because they look cool. But you honestly do not need it. And like Australia did, we can easily offer a buyback program for any of the banned weapons then melt them down.
There are other common-sense regulations that can be put into place. First off, closing the non-licensed gun seller loopholes and requiring universal background checks, coordinating military and civilian criminal records into the background data base, waiting periods on any firearm purchase, and age restrictions on purchasing certain types of weapons.
I am not calling for a repeal of the Second Amendment. But one court after another has ruled that states and the federal government have a compelling interest in regulating the gun market. Hundreds of people have died in mass shootings since the lifting of the federal assault weapons ban. It is well past time to revive that bill and save lives.
Campaign contributions from the National Rifle Association, various gun lobbies and PACs have corrupted countless politicians. And it's time to wrest control from them back to the people who always seem to be in the line of fire. Call me a snowflake or any other name you can hurl at me. I am sick of watching the senseless slaughter of innocent lives made more efficient using military-grade weaponry.
Jay A. Wax
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

JG articles remind me of a discussion I had with a guy that drives bus from the local senior citizens center to and from the gambling boat on the Ohio River. In a hilarious but sad recollection of comments the bus ....goes too slow, goes too fast, is too hot/cold, seat belts don't work, wrong lighting, too many restroom stops/not enough, announcements via speaker need done 3-5 times as people are nearly deaf, passengers get up to walk the isles, sprinkle in a few heart attacks and strokes, and so on. A few folks won't follow the rules. He said it was discussed to stop the trips. The 80 percent of the folks that follow the rules and always thank the driver jumped in. They now select passengers by invitation only. 20 percent can't go. If people don't want a firearm then don't get one. Keep felons and nutballs of the bus. And leave the rest of us alone to ride the bus.Its our right to own firearms.