Thursday, March 29, 2018

Sorry TES, as you know, it doesn't take much "courage" to be fawned over by an adoring media

The Empty Suit is back.  He’s heaping praise on the attention seeking teenage know-nothings at Stoneman-Douglas High.  TES had this say about the Stoneman agitators,
And today there was a march in Washington with hundreds of thousands of people and these rallies were duplicated all around the world. And this was all because of the courage and effort of a handful of 15- and 16-year-olds who took the responsibility that so often adults have failed to take in trying to find a solution to this problem.”
Sorry dope.  “Courage” is not running with the pack of cool kids in high school.  In fact, it’s quite the opposite. It takes no courage whatsoever.  I cannot recall any movie or book or historic event that captured the crowd taking the popular stance and portraying them as courageous heroes for doing so.  
Ask yourself this easy question, if everyone is doing it, how courageous can it be?  You can just see the cheerleaders at Stoneman High gathering around the TV Hogg (when he drops by for his half a day of class each week), “Oh David the TV Hogg, you’re so courageous to do what everyone else is doing and skipping school to promote yourself to do it.”  
My guess is that a good many of the students at Stoneman are beginning to see the tv Hogg and the other agitators for who they are.  The hogglettes are like the kid that pulls the fire alarm the first day of school. Funny and cool he becomes a cult hero.  But by the third time he pulls it that day, he’s just a jerk.  My guess is that the attention Hogg and hogglettes are well on their way to jerkdom among many of their peers.
Heroes generally come in packages of one.  Seems to me the hero is more often the loner who does the right thing in spite of the crowd.  He’s rarely just another face running with the crowd.  Name one Gary Cooper movie where Cooper plays a guy in a crowded bar mocking the sheriff for standing up to the cattle baron’s hired guns. 
My thinking is that if Hogg’s heroes had real courage, they’d take on the NRA one on one in a debate on a national program instead of the endless safespace interviews surrounded by like-mind zombies they have engaged in so far.  Hell these “courageous” trolls won’t even debate one of their own peers from Stoneman high.
The lynch mob Vs. Garry Cooper
Kyle Kashuv regularly challenges the “courageous” cool kids to debate guns and the Second Amendment.  The cool kids refuse.  They are used to being treated like pampered stars by the likes of CNN and other Lefty Lib media outlets.  As a result the cool kids haven’t been asked a single difficult or uncomfortable question or presented with a single incongruent fact to expose the faults in their faulty logic on gun control. 
None of them has accepted Kashuv’s debate challenge.  Hogg is on (maybe was on) the Stoneman speech and debate team, so you’d think he’d jump at the opportunity. He hasn’t.  Why? 
Well Lex’s theory is that Hogg his hogglettes are far from heroic figures.  They are the ones acting more like the cattle baron’s gang of henchmen or the angry lynch mob. It’s Kyle Kashuv, the loner, who has the Gary Cooper role in this drama as the defender of truth, justice, law and order (Constitution).  

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