Friday, March 02, 2018

Membership not political money is NRA's power

Latest bid for publication in the JG:

For all of the money that Lefty Libs contend that it is supposedly contributing to political campaigns, the NRA did not even rank in the top 50 of political donors during the 2016 election cycle.

During that cycle, the NRA spent a bit over one million dollars on direct political contributions.  By comparison Lefty Lib donor Tom Steyer’s organization contributed close to 90 million dollars – all of it directed to Left-wing causes.

Unlike the shadowy money Steyer is throwing around, every one of the NRA’s political contributions is an open secret published in their magazines and online for everyone to see.

Here’s the big problem for Nancy Conklin and the rest of the gun grabbers.  It’s not the NRA’s miniscule political contributions that politicians fear.  It is the 5 million plus (and growing again) members of the NRA that give it its power. 

We do not scare.  We are not going away because a bunch of Leftist loons want us to so that they can destroy the 2nd Amendment. We didn’t kill anyone in that FL school.  Nikolas Cruz did.  He was aided and abetted by incompetent local police, Lefty Lib crime reporting requirements that kept Cruz out of the NICS database and the FBI.

Those are the cold, hard, sad facts of the FL school shooting.  Had authorities done their job, it could have been prevented.   

Stay up to date on NRA's puppets
The slaughter of innocents will never end until our elected officials examine their conscience and pass reasonable gun-control legislation rather than bowing to the will of the gun lobbyists who influence their votes with campaign contributions.
I suggest the media publish a list of all potential candidates and present members of Congress who accept contributions from the National Rifle Association and like-minded groups, keeping it updated until Election Day.
Voters should refuse to vote for these individuals and give our support to gun-control advocates. Until then, the greed of the NRA will prevail.
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Another letter to throw on the stack of the non-serious. Not sure why the JG published it. Conklin parrots the cure as passing "reasonable gun control legislation". She does nothing to suggest what that might entail. Then blames the NRA for not having something she cannot or will not define. I predict she is very happy to have her complaint published. Which is her main goal.