Monday, March 26, 2018

Until further notice Lex is done with the non-negotiator

Since his famous ride down the escalator at Trump Tower, my advice to Republicans has been to “ride the Trump tiger.”  Up until last Friday, I think that has proven to be sound advice. It all changed Friday when The Donald signed the omnibus thereby declaring to everyone that the Trump tiger was nothing more than a swamp dwelling PUSSYcat. 

My advice for anyone smart enough not to have signed on to that POS omnibus is “Dump Trump.” His idiosyncratic manners could be tolerated, even enjoyed, when he was doing the right thing.  When there is no upside to The Donald’s odd ball behavior there is no upside to tolerating it.

The “great negotiator*” got nothing from a bloated 1.3 TRILLION dollar pile of crap omnibus.  He got rolled like a beach ball by Rat establishment Republicans who probably want him impeached more than the Demo-Dopes do. Don bitched that no one in congress read the bill.  Well neither did he.  Yet he foolishly signed.

NOTE:  Don’s new name is, “Don the non” as in Don the non-negotiator 

Don the non could have controlled TV over the weekend with a live debate on the 2,200+ page bill.  Sit the bill in the middle of a conference table.  Bring in the four amigos – Chuck and Nancy, and Pauly and Mitch on one side to defend the BS.  Bring in Cruz and Paul, and Gomert and Jordan on the other to tear it to shreds.  It would have made for great TV watching the swamp rats trying to defend the un-defendable.  He didn’t.  He just signed it.  Then he whined like a little b*tch.

As a result guys like Lex are out.  The ONLY thing keeping Don the non afloat so far has been the continued support from his base.  That support was contingent upon Don the non doing the right thing.  Friday he caved.  As a result, I believe so will his base of support. Without his base the Trump Tiger is a docile, toothless, clawless, blind swamp dwelling PUSSYcat not to be feared by anyone Dope or Rat. He’s finished.  The Caligula, D.C. hyenas are already circling his wounded carcass going for the kill, which will come shortly after the mid-terms.  

Some may think, there’s still time to right the ship before Nov.  How?  With what issue?  Another trillion dollar infrastructure bill?  Total BS.  It’ll be another trillion dollars wasted and authored by Chuckels the weeping clown Schumer. So, another budget battel in Sep?  That’s too little too late - unless Don the non holds out for total funding for the border wall and shuts the GD government down until after the election to get it.

I know Don the non reads Lex so I’ve included this open letter.

Dear Don the non;

I think even you misunderstand why you are where you are.  You probably think that you’re POTUS because the American people love you and that’s why they came out to vote for you. 

Not true.  We voted for you in spite of the fact that we knew exactly who you are – a loud mouth boor.  We voted for you in spite of your being a lout, because we thought you’d “drain the swamp.”  We voted for you in spite of all of your Trump University-like shady BS deals and your 30 year fine balancing act between legal and illegal because you represented something different from the Caligula, D.C. mainstream. 

We didn’t vote for you because we had some illusion that you were a rare scholar or a fine representative of what a Madisonian republican and diplomat should look like or even that you had the slightest clue of what that means and would require.  We voted for you because we thought that you were looking out for us.

Most of all we voted for you because you were not Shrillda the Hutt. That’s a pretty low bar to cross to get into the Oval Office.

All that went out the window on Friday when you signed the 2,200+ page pile of crap called the omnibus.  As a result, I don’t care if Maxine Waters impeaches you or not.  The downside of your bombast and petulant outbursts now far outweigh any good I thought you might do.

Yeah, I know Pauly walnuts and that limp Richard over in the senate - McConnell - set you up.  It was a no win for The Donald.  If you veto the bill government shuts down, and The Donald gets blamed.  If you sign the POS, you get impeached because your support falls through the floor and the mid-terms become a disaster. You chose impeachment. 

All you had to do was say that you were not signing it while there was money in the bill for a raise for congress and leave town for the weekend. Then you could have enjoyed watching the rats scurry. 

Then, when safely ensconced at Mara a Lago, you could have told Pauly and Mitch, “while you’re getting the raise out, here’s the other 12,000,0000 things in that pile of crap bill that you sent me that have to go.  And while you are at it there must be at least a modest allotment for the wall I continue to promise the American people but have done less than zero to get underway.”

Sadly, Don you lost your nerve.  You didn’t do it.  So now your tweet storms are just so much BS.  I hope Mueller wraps up his investigation today with a dozen or so charges against you from double parking to kidnapping the Lindberg baby.  I do not really care. 

You too prove the point Don, we can vote for change; we can vote for limited conservative government, but we cannot get it.  The swamp is too deep.  The swamp creatures are too powerful.  At this point, for the good of the country, Pence is the best choice.  Good bye Don.  Resign before they impeach you.

I know how your mind works.  Right now you are wondering how to make money off the impending impeachment and senate trial. A world-wide office pool at $5 a head betting on the final vote totals and who the holdouts will be ought to do the trick.  Is another billion or so in your already bloated bank account really worth it?

I continue to give you credit for beating Shrillda the Hutt like a drum and driving the entire class of Lefty Loons crazy for more than a year.  Well done on that. But today they celebrate.  They have won.  You’re done.

NOTE: I reserve the right to deny that I ever posted this if this somehow miraculously works out.

Parkland school agitators are “students” not “survivors”
Parkland school agitator David Hogg is as often as not referred to as a “Parkland school shooting survivor.”  

What is a “Parkland school shooting survivor”?  Is everyone who was at Parkland that day a “survivor”?  In my own mind students who were shot, wounded and survived to tell about it are the real “survivors.”  Everyone else should be referred to as Parkland school students or staff.

To be a “cancer survivor” you actually have to have survived the disease.  My dad had cancer.  He was a survivor.  I lived in the house with him.  Does that make me a “cancer survivor”?
Today’s JG rant
Re: David A. Wass’ letter, “CIA director poor pick as Secretary of State,” of Mar 25, 2018

Dude, grow up.   

CIA director poor pick as secretary of State
The appointment of CIA Director Mike Pompeo as secretary of State is a tragic blow to American credibility. The CIA is internationally infamous for its role in the overthrow of governments such as in Iran and Chile, the use of torture, and a host of “dirty tricks” around the globe. To have its director become the diplomatic voice of the United States is a sad and frightening development.
David A. Waas
North Manchester 

My guess is that when the investigation is done, in 15-20 years if the Mueller investigation is an indication, and they find out that the ladies forgot to "carry the one" somewhere along the way in their calculations, the blame will be fixed on some white construction shlub, let’s call him Carl, because the lady engineers will say, with their arms folded across their chests while tapping their heels, “It’s all Carl’s fault.  He's the one who forgot to put the orange thingy over the doohickey.” 

1 comment:

AF Bro said...

Amen, brother.