Monday, March 05, 2018

For Lefty Libs it's as if the 2nd Amendment doesn't even exist

Today’s offering to the JG gun debate. 

Re: Gordon E. Walter’s letter, Founders’ vision needs modern update of Mar 3, 2018

Let’s take Walter’s idea about “updating” the Second Amendment and apply it to the First Amendment. 

The founders couldn’t have foreseen the Internet, TV, radio and mobile devices that keep the population instantaneously updated on current events and opinions.

Using Walter’s logic, the only methods for informing the public that should retain today’s First Amendment protections are town criers and publications printed using movable type, ink rollers and capable of printing one page at a time on a printing press.

If that sounds silly, it’s only because it is silly. If it’s silly for the First Amendment it is just as silly when applied to the Second Amendment.  

The constitution is not a cafeteria menu. The population is not subject to emotional arguments from people who think that they can pick through this clause, ignore that amendment, take a little bit of this Article and a bit of that one – but always taking just the stuff they like while throwing the rest in the trash. 

What the founders could not foresee they left a means whereby the constitution could be amended.  With regard to the Second Amendment, that’s something the Democrats will not touch with a 10 foot pole. For them, it’s better to pretend that you’re interested in a solution than to ever offer one that will expose your true aim.  

With regard to school safety, that’s something that could be fixed in a week without adding a single word to the more than 20,000 gun laws already in effect.  For starters, how about locking the doors, putting an armed guard outside and armed guard inside and see how that works?  Democrats will not address “common sense” school safety because they’d rather complain about guns and “common sense” school safety doesn’t infringe on anyone’s Second Amendment rights.

Democrats always prefer having issues to having solutions for issues.   

Founders' vision needs modern update
Altogether, the Founding Fathers did a remarkable job of writing the Constitution, based on history and the conditions they knew at the time.
There was no way they could have foreseen automobiles, airplanes, telephones, electrical power grids, nuclear energy, TV, computers and the Internet. However, when those developments arrived, the Constitution allowed legislators to establish rules for living safely with the new products.
For the Second Amendment, we know the conditions facing the Founders. The “arms” they knew were muzzle-loading rifles and single-shot pistols. An undisturbed expert rifleman might make two or three shots per minute. It would take an assembled militia to hold off a group of invaders.
Does anybody really believe that Washington or Madison would have wanted everyone to have an AR-15?
Maybe, after the latest tragedy, our legislators will have the common sense and courage to modernize gun laws of the 18th century.
Gordon E. Walter
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Other writings that are remarkable based on what was known at the time. Magna Carta, Bible, Gettysburg Address, I Have A Dream, and The Lex Dailies. Does Mr. Walter wish these all be updated, rewritten, expanded, or gutted?