Monday, March 19, 2018

Former iltel officers' response to McCabe firing prove PDJT's point, they were out to get him

Does anyone else find it weird that MSM hacks expect PDJT to sit back and take their daily dose of BS without so much as a word but it’s totally okay for them to get all bent out of shape when PDJT tweets out his side of the story?  They harrumph, “Why, exposing the MSM for the lying one-sided scum that we are, why my goodness that’s totally un-presidential.   Never been done before.  PDJT should act more presidential and never defend himself against our phony outrageous attacks.”   

Take the reaction to crooked cop Andy McCabe’s firing.  PDJT didn’t fire him Jeff Sessions did at the behest of DOJ/FBI investigators.  PDJT just took delight in McCabe’s end.  Then all hell breaks loose with deep state azzbag John Brennan, Jimmy the fib Comey and McCabe himself tweeting out what an azz PDJT is for firing poor, poor Andy.  Look at those three names.  Doesn't it prove that the intel community WAS out to get PDJT? Throw in crooked cop Mueller and Jimmy Clapper and it’s five for five.

Shouldn’t these five be told to STFU and stop proving PDJT’s point?  No.  By Dope/MSM logic, only PDJT should be told to STFU, and the fact that these five are crooked as hell just as PDJT says they are does not matter because they are Demo-Dope crooks.

Then the criminal Sam Power tweets out that “you don’t want to p*ss off John Brennan.” Why?  This again proves PDJT's point.  I thought Brennan was supposed to be an honest nonpartisan broker of intel.  I thought Brennan had integrity.  So if you p*ss John Brennan off he goes all Incredible Hulk on us changing from mild mannered nonpartisan fair-minded patriot into a vindictive Demo-Dope azzbag? Why yes. That’s exactly what we mean. 

McCabe had to go.  Being two days from retirement is no shield.  Try that defense the next time you’re pulled over by a cop for speeding.  “Okay officer, as I’m only two miles from home, I’m invoking the Andy McCabe Rule (formerly the Lois Learner Rule) which clearly states that if you’re close to home you can commit whatever crimes you chose to without consequences.”  After checking the address on your license, no doubt the cop will say, “You got me.  I clocked you at 110 in a school zone as kids were crossing the street, but since you’re so close to home, all I can say is, have a nice day sir.”

My hope is that Demo-Dope continue their mock outrage up to the point that DOJ IG report is released. Likely as not there will be more than enough on McCabe to prove he’s an azzweasel.  Then the Dopes will be left holding the bag trying to explain why they backed the azzweasel that tried to subvert a US election.

Today’s JG offering

Re: Dottie Carpenter’s letter, “US in desperate need of leadership” Mar 18, 2018

President Donald J. Trump is the greatest gift that keeps on giving - ever.  Since about 9:30 pm on Nov 8, 2016, Trump has sent a great many Lefty Libs into an uncontrollable fit of rage that continues to this day.  The Lefty Lib’s irrational anger, fear, and loathing of President Trump is a condition often referred to as Trump Derangement Syndrome or TDS for short. 

Those afflicted with TDS either look past or in extreme cases actually seethe at a booming US economy, an energy independent America, record employment for minorities, the smashing of ISIS, a generous offer to fix DACA, tax cuts, engagement with N. Korea etc. etc. They ignore 100s of tweets instead choosing to focus their limited attention spans exclusively to the boorish ones.

Despite his myriad accomplishments, President Trump’s greatest achievement to date has been to thoroughly expose the Left as the bunch of sick whining hypocrites that they have always been.  As proof one need look no further than the Left’s lampooning of President Trump’s signature slogan, Make America Great Again (MAGA).

The Left scoffs at MAGA in two ways.  First, the furthest Leftist will say, “America was never great.”  Think about that one.  According to Leftists the worldwide leader in nearly every positive and quantifiable aspect of life for the last 100 years was “never great”.  Ask yourself, if not America, then who?

The other common Lefty response to MAGA was, “America is already great.”  Before President Trump, the American economy was bumping along as often as not with sub 2% growth, 10s of thousands of non-legislative extra-constitutional regulations were being imposed on Americans by unelected bureaucrats every year, minority unemployment was a disgrace, labor force participation rates were at historic lows, welfare and food stamp payments were at historic highs, ISIS was on the march and the alphabet soup of governmental agencies was being weaponized against the American people for political purposes. That’s Democrat greatness.

President Trump has offered a DACA solution 3 times more generous than what President Obama and the Democrats offered and the Democrat leadership – such as it is – rejected Trump’s offer out of hand.  Trump cut taxes and the Democrats called $1,000 bonuses and more than a $1,000 a year in extra take home pay for Americans “crumbs” better left in Caligula, D.C. than given to those who earned them. Trump offers “common sense” school safety programs that could be put in place today, but Democrats ridicule the offer because the plans do not include infringing on anyone’s Second Amendment rights.  Banning guns is more important to Democrats than keeping kids safe. 

Irrespective of who the president is, my hope is that the country continues on its current winning streak.  That said, a President Trump, as quirky as he might be, would have the extra benefit of delivering the joy of opening the letters page of the JG every morning and reading frenzied letters from leftists more outraged at a presidential tweet than the success of their country. 

US in desperate need of leadership
I did not vote for Donald Trump and I never will. I don't even like him.
However, I do love this country very much and, unfortunately, he is the president. For that I am saddened for the many good Republicans and Democrats who voted for him and believed his many lies and promises. Trump has divided the country in the nearly 14 months he's been in office, caused discord in Congress, caused racial unrest, been unfair to immigrants, and broke his promise to help more than 800,000 people brought to this country by parents who work and pay taxes by the millions. He has defended neo-Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan, white supremacists and racists. He's also defended child molesters and abusive men who hurt their partners. 
Trump is a bully who has a temper tantrum when he doesn't get his own way. He disrespects women and those who work for him. He seems to think he's above the law – he is unfit to be president of this great country.
Trump needs to stop tweeting, stop lying and put our country above party and be what he was elected to be – a leader. Be the president of the United States, not a dictator of this great country.
Dottie Carpenter
Fort Wayne  


The Griffin said...

It's a miracle Trump was elected. The stinking Walmart shoppers Peter Stroke referenced elected Donald. The rot at the top of the deep state is sickening. McCabe, Comey, Lynch, Yates, Rice, Jarret, Powers, Hillary, and others are now exposed. Leaks to the MSM. FBI hiding docs. Why should anyone trust Mueller? Will the IG report clarify or expose more corruption? Obama? Clapper leaked oil the whole time. Lied to Congress. The supported press watch dogs is absent any curiosity. Compliant. We cannot and should trust anything these people were involved in. Or their replacements. Wash DC is rotten.

The Griffin said...

To Dottie Carpenter...Hillary laments white married women do not have the brains or courage to vote on their own. Need a man to tell them how to vote. Hillary is a sexist and is racist with no respect for the law.