Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Dope "hero" Vindamn is really an anti-American deep state hack

Let's see what under your hat and coat Alex

The real picture of who Alex Vindeman really is developing slowly like an old Polaroid.  When a plump Vindman showed up for his Star Chamber testimony before Adam pencil neck Schi(t)ff’s kangaroo court, he was wearing his Army suite of lights, and except for clearly being a bit over weight, looked the part of a military man. 

The MSM took up their normal part of playing Wylie E. Coyote to PDJT’s Road Runner.  The MSM assured us that Vindman had the goods, the smoking gun that would send PDJT packing from the confines of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. We could see the thread holding the ACME anvil in place over PDJT’s head begin to fray.

Shifty Schi(t)ff went about leaking selective portions of Vindman’s testimony designed to make PDJT look as guilty as possible.  Alas not even the bug eyed Adam Schi(t)ff’s selective leaks could cover up the fact that Vindman’s smoking gun, like that of former Ukraine ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, Gordon Sondland, et al  was no more than Vindman’s personal opinions.  Vindman also said the transcript of the phone call released by PDJT was inaccurate but offered nothing that would substantially change what’s contained in the transcript.

Now Vindman is being exposed as more a corrupt government deep state hack than honorable military man.  Vindman apparently has a very low opinion of his countrymen and sees nothing exceptional about his homeland.  Vindamn’s boss chewed his ample azz out for making disparaging comments about his country in front of American enlisted men and Russian soldiers.

Now the thread is has broken and the ACME anvil has landed on Vindman’s own fat head.  Dating back to Benedict Arnold, unscrupulous military officers are nothing new.  Hassan is a murdering Islamo Terror Fascists who Lil’ Barry O’s administration insisted was nothing more than a purveyor of “workplace violence.”  John Francoise Kerry a trice wounded faker claimed to be the first Cambodian war hero ordered to Cambodia by Richard Nixon a month before Nixon was sworn in as president.  Senators Da Nang Dick Blumenthal and Tom Harkin keep having flashback to Vietnam.  So many in fact that they think they actually served there when in fact they were counting beach balls at a stateside special services locker somewhere.

Vindamn is latest Dope incarnation of a war hero who appears to be more traitor than patriot, who is more deserving of an azz beating than praise. 

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Where was the good Lt. Col when Obama was enabling the Bidens to stuff pillow cases with cash? Vindman is an expert on NSC council for the Ukraine and knew nothing about drug addict Hunter getting $50k/month because his dad was VP? Was Vindman just incompetent? Waiting for Crooked Hillary to promote him and the next cushy assignment. Vindman also did not know what President Trump might know but decided to then jump in? I suspect was and maybe still planning to get his $50k/month from Ukraine shenanigans when he put away his disgraced uniform. I suspect Vindman had intentions of getting wealthy and his military rank would help get there. Vindman needs investigated for allowing/conspiring corruption.