Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Rats in the White House

In her new book, former UN Ambassador, Nikki Haley tells us that PDJT’s former Chief of Staff John Kelly and SecState Rex Tillerson recruited her to help frustrate the president’s agenda. 

Hmm, Haley worked for Tillerson so how much help could she have been if the boss was already in on the scam.  Isn’t that a bit like the head coach enlisting the help of the team’s trainer to help sabotage the owner’s plan to win a Super Bowl?

It tells me that Tillerson was a POS afraid of getting caught and wanted to enlist a fall guy to cover for his cowardly BS.

The case of Chief of Staff and former Marine Corps General John Kelly is a bit more perplexing.  He claims all he did was institute a series of staffing procedures to ensure that the president got all sides of an issue.  Hmm, so why would anyone need the help of the UN Ambassador to accomplish that purpose?  That makes no sense.  “Hello Nikki, John.  I’m thinking about imposing some new staffing procedures over here at the White House and need to make sure you’re on board.  I’m thinking you should use a green pen when marking up any correspondence.  Whattayouthink?”  “What?  You’re kidding right?  I’m busy.  Do your job – and I don’t much care how you do it - and leave me alone to do mine.” 

So why didn’t Haley rat out Kelly and Tillerson to PDJT?  Haven’t we all been privy to embarrassing info that we kept under our hats rather than blowing up an organization?  Having worked in several large organizations, USCENTCOM and the Pentagon, I knew of all sorts of palace intrigue.  This guy didn’t like that guy.  The people in the G-3 didn’t get along with the guys in the G-5.  Ranking officers said stupid stuff in my presence that would have gotten them fired had I ratted them out. 

I never did.  First off, had I ratted the guy out and he denied it, I’d probably end up losing out. Oh he just misunderstood my point.  Remember Rod Rosenstein’s offer to wear a wire into the Oval Office?  Rosenstein swears he was joking.  Others disagree.  

Next, the officer in question may have been just kidding or venting his frustration.  As unlikely as it sounds, I might have been wrong.  Last, I never saw anyone openly sabotage the organization.  So what would be the point? Haley may have made the same calculation under the same circumstances.  

In the end Tillerson got canned.  Kelly quit.  Haley got out with dignity and accolades from PDJT.  Haley clearly won out.  The Israeli embassy got moved. The Palestinians got hammered.  The Ukraine received lethal aid.  Etc. etc. etc.  I can’t point to one case where Kelly and/or Tillerson won out on an important policy issue.

Haley – Pence 2024.  She clearly should lead the ticket and would there be a VP with more experience?    

Today’s JG rant
Wow you’re piece on Jim Banks’ tweet was better than CNN’s Brian Stelter spell checking the president’s tweets.  You are all over this one.  Excellent work and, I might say, a judicious use of your time and JG assets to run down this important story. Definitely front page stuff.  

Now do Chris Francois’ fantastical claims that all Hoosiers are racists and that she has been assaulted and suffered property damage at the hands of racist Hoosiers per JG editorial “Hoosier inhospitality” on Sep 5, 2019.  Police reports?  Arrests?  Witnesses?  Hearings?  Punishments?  Anything to support these accusations?  Bueller?  Class?  Brian?  Anyone?  Francisco?  Anyone?
My guess is that Chris Francois is a Jussie Smollett type race-baiting fraud.  Change my mind.

Oh, with regard to the real America.  I’m happy to pit Middle America as the real America when compared to the lying thieving swells of all stripes in Caligula, D.C.

Real America believes that a baby born alive after a botched abortion is just that - a baby - deserving of the protections of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness afforded all Americans rather than being regarded as a thing to be “made comfortable” before crushing its skull.  Some would call that infanticide.

Real America doesn’t heckle speakers at Veteran’s Day ceremonies like classless boobs in NYC.

I could go on forever, but you get the point.  Cheers. 

Monday, November 11, 2019 1:00 am
Alabama tweet nets feedback for Banks
Said cheer for Trump was 'in real America'
BRIAN FRANCISCO | The Journal Gazette
U.S. Rep. Jim Banks has been both commended and disparaged on Twitter for writing that a stadium crowd cheering President Donald Trump at a University of Alabama football game was “in real America.”
Banks' tweet Saturday linked to a nearly minute-long video of people applauding a video-screen image of Trump, who attended that day's game in Tuscaloosa between Alabama and Louisiana State University.
“Incredible reception for our President @realDonaldTrump in real America,” wrote Banks, R-3rd.
In the 24 hours after it was posted, the tweet by the northeastern Indiana congressman generated more than 700 “likes” and nearly 200 retweets, the social media equivalent of an endorsement for Banks and Trump.
But most of the roughly 100 people who replied online to Banks' message criticized him for suggesting that only communities that support Trump are “real America.” Here is a sampling:
“Please, tell me exactly which part of America isn't 'real America,'” tweeted Kyle Lucas of Chicago.
“What part of the country is not real, Congressman?” tweeted Matt Jennings of Middlebury, Vermont.
“Do I live in real America or fake America?” tweeted @RINOwithHorns of Fort Wayne.
“Jim Banks is implying that Washington D.C. and New York City are not 'America.' These are the two cities where thousands of Americans died on September 11, 2001,” tweeted Craig Skinner of Fort Wayne. Trump was booed by spectators at recent sports events he attended in those cities, including a World Series game in Washington.
“Meanwhile I'm just here in fake California pretending to be an American citizen,” tweeted @JaneAusten1813.
Some people contended in their tweets that Banks was trying to endear himself to Trump. 
The Journal Gazette asked Banks' spokesman to elaborate Sunday on the tweet.
“The inside-the-beltway establishment, sometimes referred to as the 'Swamp,' hate Donald Trump because he is an outsider who exposes them and disrupts their gravy train. That's why they booed him in DC at the World Series,” Mitchell Hailstone, Banks' communications director, said in an email.
“Outside the DC bubble, sometimes referred to as 'real America,' people appreciate that Donald Trump fights for them against the insiders. That's what we saw during the Alabama football game,” Hailstone said.
Top-ranked LSU defeated second-ranked Alabama by a score of 46-41. When LSU led 33-13, John Riley of Fishers replied to Banks' tweet by writing, “The gods were angered.”

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