Monday, November 04, 2019

PDJT is just like Hitler!! Uh, no. He's not.

When a newspaper hires historically illiterate editors, they approve printing historically illiterate letters like Kevin Paul Krajewski's “Historical echoes in our troubled times” of Nov 2, 2019.  

If you believe, like most people who know about such things, that the rise of Adolf Hitler was the proximate cause for plunging the world into WWII, you must also believe that Hitler was the proximate cause for the between 70-85 million deaths that resulted from that horrific world-wide conflict.

So when writers like Krajewski pen letters comparing PDJT to Hitler, one has to wonder just how ignorant Krajewski and the editors who thought that printing his foolish letter was a good idea really are.  

It’s really weird that on the same editorial page confounded leftists like Krajewski compare PDJT Hitler and while another writer Dave Fiandt (“Time for more to join the ranks the ranks of ‘human scum’” of Nov 2, 2019) condemns PDJT for ending foreign entanglements.

Okay lefties, which is it – warmongering murdering tyrant or chicken sh*t isolationist who rightly or wrongly removes America from unending wars?  You simply cannot have it both ways.

Krajewski then compares Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh Goebbels and Goring.  Hmm.  Goebbels was Hitler’s minister of propaganda, so there might be some logical connection there.  However, Goebbels was a government functionary.  Both Hannity and Limbaugh make millions while exchanging ideas in the free market private sector.  They are not government lackeys nor do they enjoy the privilege of a government monopoly forcing others to listen to their ideas.  So, historically, it’s an odd and inappropriate comparison.  

But it is not as odd and inappropriate as Krajewski invoking Goring’s name.  I suspect that neither Krajewshki nor the JG editors have much of an idea of what Goring’s roll in WWII was.  Goring, a famous German aviator, was the highest ranking member of the German military at the end of the war.  Neither Hannity nor Limbaugh ever served in the military.  So, what’s the connection?

"Deniers of truth!"  No Goring was hesitant about starting WWII, the Holocaust and often came to his anti-Nazi younger brother's defense to keep him out of jail or worse. He was fully aware of the risks the Reich was undertaking.   

My guess is that Krajewski just slipped in the name of another well-known Nazi for effect.  Too bad he picked a total non-sequitur that makes less sense than comparing PDJT to Hitler.  Not to put too fine a point on it, like his larger argument, it’s just plain ignorant.

If he was looking for effect, Krajewski should have used SS chief and Holocaust architect Heinrich Himmler's name, but he probably knows less about Himmler than he does about Hitler, Goebbels and Goring.  

I get that the lefties lose a bit more of their already small minds day by day while Trump is president, but drop the Hitler comparisons.  The left looks like fools when they minimizes and trivializes the horrors of WWII and insist PDJT is in any way like Hitler.      

Historical echoes in our troubled times
History is remarkable.
Adolf Hitler had his Goebbels and Goring. Donald Trump has his Hannity and Limbaugh – deniers of the truth.
Demise would come to one leader, and political demise now threatens the other.
Kevin Paul Krajewski
Fort Wayne

Time for more to join ranks of 'human scum'
“Human scum”: This is not how Donald Trump referred to the usual suspects (the Obamas, the Clintons, Biden, Pelosi, the media, etc.). This is how the POTUS refers to Republicans who call him out for his actions. What that list of Republicans lacks in quantity, it makes up for in quality: former Republican presidential nominees, former Republican presidents, current and former Republican senators, distinguished diplomats and members of the intelligence community, generals, admirals, war heroes and more.
This is the same POTUS who has turned on longtime allies, cozied up to dictators, thrown those who have fought for us against ISIS under the bus and paid hush money to a porn star. This is the same POTUS who promised to “drain the swamp,” only to have dozens of campaign officials plus official and unofficial members of his administration indicted, under investigation, or convicted and in prison (including his former personal attorney, who was convicted for doing his boss's biding).
“Human scum”: If there has ever been an example of the kettle calling the pot black, this is it.
“Human scum”: It is time for other Republican members of the House and Senate to join this elite group. It is time for them to develop some spine and become “profiles in courage.” They will soon have the opportunity to stand up to this tyrant and preserve our democracy.
Dave Fiandt
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

I wonder where Krajewski learned history? He must be a modern day history Prof. How about these tidbits of well-known history.

Fort Wayne was named after 'Vegas guy Wayne Newton!

The state of Indiana was named after the Indianapolis Speedway!

The Wabash River was named after the Wabash Railroad!

Bloomington was named after the Bloomin' Onion you get at The Outback Steak House!

Hitler is alive and lives in Burlington, Vermont in Bernie Sanders guest house!

As Krajewskie says...history is remarkable.