Friday, November 15, 2019

The Devine Ms Y may hang herself at today's Schi(t)ff Show

When the Rat establishment Republicans started talking about a 6-8 week impeachment trial in the senate, I thought - you worthless bastards.  Then I heard a theory somewhere that senate Republicans want the impeachment Schi(t)ff Show to continue well into 2020 as means of sucking all of the oxygen out of the Dope primary campaigns.  Mitch McConnell running in a long line of witnesses to testify that Slow Joe Biden and his worthless drug addicted no talent loser spawn – Hunter – ripped off US taxpayers and Ukrainians can't help the Dope front runner or anyone with "D" by their name running in 2020.

So if the Republicans opt for a long trial and if the senate republicans wanted to play hardball, (big IF) I suppose they could invoke rules requiring the testimony of the blower, the bug eyed pencil necked Adam shifty Schi(t)ff and the Biden bums.  How would all of that play on the campaign trail?

I’m starting to wonder if Grand nan from San Fran Peloser is going to have the stones to pull the trigger on an impeachment vote.  Do the Dopes really want to expose themselves to the possibility that the Biden bums are going to be star witnesses in why PDJT withheld aide to Ukraine - corruption?  Do they want the blower and Schi(t)ff exposed as the lying BS artists that they are? Do they want half the Dope primary field sidelined with 6 day-a-week impeachment hearings where they make azzes of themselves a la Kavanaugh – giving PDJT a free run on the campaign trail for months?

So the Schi(t)ff Show starts up again today.  The first question of the day from Reps should be directed at Schi(t)ff.  "Mr Chairman how much taxpayer money have you spent on these proceedings so far?"  

The Divine Ms Y graces the panel with her presence to tell us…what?  She was canned well before the phone that is at the heart of the blower’s complaint took place. So what light is the gazzbag going to be able to shed on anything? 

I think the Dopes are playing into the Reps hand here.  It leaves Ms Y open to the same devastating lines of questioning that bow tie boy and the pompous old man fumbled so badly on Wednesday. Have you ever spoken with PDJT?  Have you ever spoken with his Chief of Staff?  Were you on the phone call?  So you got all of your info 2nd, 3rd and 4th hand? 

Also there’s a letter that Ms Y advocated for letting certain leftist scum off the hook from prosecution.  Also, the Divine Ms Y may have to clarify her lie that Sean Hannity got her worthless azz fired.  Hannity denies even knowing who the beeauch was before Schi(t)ff made her famous. So she definitely has some splainin’ to do and may spend more time defending her own worthless wrinkled azz than lying about PDJT.  It’d be hilarious if the old bag ends up getting charged for lying and suborning corruption as a result of cooperating with the shifty one. 

Get the popcorn and Coke ready.  Prediction:  The Divine Ms Y is going to get leveled before noon today. 

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