Monday, November 11, 2019

Impeachment: A picture of unfairness

Well here I am hard at it on Veteran’s Day, a Federal Holiday, looking forward to the Dope travesty of justice called impeachment.  If the Mueller testimony before congress is any indication, the Dopes are going to end up looking pretty stupid.  Of course Dopes are probably insisting that the witnesses have all been tested to make sure they are not exhibiting the early stages of dementia.

Bug eyed, pencil necked Adam shifty Schi(t)ff insists that the hearings will be the picture of how to conduct a totally fair and impartial hearing.  To insure the process is fair, Democrats have rejected the entirety of the Republican’s witness list and have issued warnings that Republican questioning of approved witness strays too close to the truth that the Democrats will shut that line of questioning down.

The wild card in all of this is how the MSM will respond to hearings.  BWAHAHAHAhaha.  The MSM, as always, will be flying top cover for the Dopes.  They will insist that all of the hearsay presented in the hearings this week is as reliable as if it came from the burning bush.  The MSM will portray all of the Dope hacks as heroes only interested in the truth while representing Republicans as cruel and insensitive meanies when they point out the obvious – the witness list consists in its entirety of a bunch of anti-American #NEVERTRUMP azzbags.

My guess is that the first half hour of the hearings will receive record rating and fall off sharply in the every half hour thereafter.

Restaurants honor Vets
Many restaurants are offering specials and even free grub to veterans today.  That’s nice.  I’d like to say that my service deserved such an honor.  It didn’t.  My service represented some the best days of my life surrounded by some of the funnies, best people I’ve ever met. 

Still, I look at the bargain of a special meal offer for Vets like being invited to a wedding.  You know you’re going to get a free meal and probably a free drink or two that you do not deserve, but you show up anyway honor the families and their gracious offer.  What would a wedding be if everyone who didn’t think they deserved the free victuals failed to show up? 

My vet wife and I show up somewhere for the offer and leave a handsome tip to the server who takes care of us.  Someone should make some money on the deal.  We only go to one bargain offer.  We do not travel from one to another as if it were Trick or Treat for vets.  Some people do.

I'm often tempted to use the Griffin's line on such occasions, "Do you have a drink for a couple of vets who fought and died for their country."  Mrs Lex says its too irreverent, and often the line gets lost in the confusion of the moment or creates the confusion.

Finally a baby Democrats want to protect

Today’s JG Rants
Lex, do you tire of this nearly daily exercise of submitting unpublished letters to a petty little dead tree print media outlet?  No. It’s a good exercise to think through the ideas and argument of those on the left. So here we go again.     

Re: Brian Francisco’s story “State lags in health care coverage” of Nov 8, 2019

8.3% of Hoosiers are without health insurance?!!  Who knew?  Wow, it would seem Barak Obama, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat Party bamboozled us.  I could have sworn Obamacare was supposed to take care of the uninsured.  What happened?  Another failed government program?  Say it ain’t so.

Hey, here’s an idea how to cover the 8.3%.  Let’s throw the 91.7% who have healthcare insurance coverage off their plan.  Then put everyone on an unaffordable, unsustainable government plan and raise taxes through the roof on everything under the sun to pay for it.  While we’re at it, let’s make the same plan available to the millions of illegal aliens who break into the country.  Why not?  The American taxpayer is, after all, a bottomless pit of money.  Right?

State lags in health care coverage
8.3% without insurance, more than neighbors
BRIAN FRANCISCO | The Journal Gazette
Indiana's share of residents who lack medical insurance is larger than that of its neighbors.
The U.S. Census Bureau released data Thursday showing that 8.3% of Hoosiers were uninsured in 2018. Surrounding states had much lower uninsured rates last year: 5.4% in Michigan, 5.6% in Kentucky, 6.5% in Ohio and 7% in Illinois.
Rachel Blakeman, director of the Community Research Institute at Purdue University Fort Wayne, said Kentucky and Michigan had been aggressive in expanding their Medicaid programs.
“Kentucky is a real highlight in terms of getting uninsured folks covered. Now they're doing it through Medicaid, which is not a popular program in all parts of the United States,” Blakeman said in a telephone interview.
The Census Bureau said 43.5% of Kentucky residents had public health insurance last year – Medicaid, Medicare for people older than 65 or federal coverage for military veterans. The figure for Indiana was 33.8%.
“Generally speaking, Medicaid is not the preferred coverage for folks. You have limited availability of providers and the (physician) reimbursement rates are low,” Blakeman said. “The question then becomes would you rather have Medicaid than no insurance. And from a population perspective, I'd rather have more folks having health insurance with Medicaid than go without insurance.” 
The nationwide uninsured rate was 8.9% in 2018, the Census Bureau said. State rates ranged from 2.8% in Massachusetts to 17.7% in Texas.
Indiana's rate changed little from 2017, when it was 8.2%. It was 14.5% in 2013, the year before the federal government opened the insurance marketplace as part of the Affordable Care Act.
The law had required people to carry insurance or pay a tax penalty until Congress repealed the penalty beginning this year.
Blakeman said a strong economy also has played a big part in lowering uninsured rates as more people are working for employers that provide insurance.
The Census Bureau said 70.2% of Hoosiers had private health insurance last year, including through employers and the federal insurance marketplace, which offers income-based tax credits.
The nationwide rate was 67.5%.

Dopes won’t let go of the 2016 popular vote issue
Are Democrats trying to rewrite the constitution?  Well of course they are.  Take Diane Mory’s letter “A matter of history” of Nov 8, 2019.  Talk about Orwell and rewriting history, Mory and other Democrats are forever pointing to the popular vote as proof that Hillary won the 2016 election.  She didn’t. 

Here’s a history lesson.  The rules for how the President of the United States is elected have been in place since 1788 when the U.S. Constitution was ratified and became the framework for how government operates in America. Pointing to the popular as “the will of the people” for an American presidential election is as false as saying a player won a golf match because he took more swings at the ball.
Rather than a candidate for president forming his policies to appeal to the most populous states, the founders believed that the President of the United States should enjoy as wide a swath of support from the disparate interests of the several states as possible. 

PDJT, a political novice, understood the rules. He developed a campaign strategy designed to achieve the 270 Electoral College votes required by the constitution (the rule book if you will) to win the presidency rather than a simple popular vote victory.  Hillary, a supposedly savvy political insider, ignored the rules and lost fair and square.

It’s rich that people who do not know history write short unreasoned blurbs accusing others of rewriting it in an Orwellian manner.  Last history note:  Hillary Clinton did not win the Presidential Election of 2016.  She is not now nor is she ever likely to be President of the United States, thankfully.

A matter of history
Are Republican speakers attempting to rewrite history? Their repeated claims that Democrats are going against the will of the people are a fallacy. Donald Trump did not win the popular vote in 2016. Shades of Orwell's “1984?”
Diane Mory
Fort Wayne

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

Thank goodness Congress in session only 16 more useless and wasted days. Pelosi has blown an entire year. A regular employee in a functioning company would have been canned around last March. So as 2020 begins we will be told it is an election year and nothing can be done. And Lex is right. Dem Sh**head Shifty gets the Wiley Coyote treatment by Sheep Dog Trump.