Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Today's JG rant

All the Democrat Wylie E. Coyotes, super hyper geniuses all, who were sure that Rep. Adam Schiff’s Acme impeachment anvil was going to fall squarely on PDJT’s head now have their shorts in a wad because their impeachment farce has gone horribly wrong and the shadow of anvil grows larger as it descends and engulfs an ever smug Schiff.

Democrats gained momentum for impeachment when they could conduct their phony hearings in secret out view and hearing of the American people with Schiff leaking any and all details detrimental to the president.  The minute the liars and leakers were forced into the open, support for their sham impeachment melted like a Popsicle thrown into a deep fat fryer. Independent and even Democrat support for impeachment has fallen off since the Schiff Show was forced out into the sunlight.

So now the Democrats and their frustrated supporters, sensing another of PDJT’s deft jujitsu moves is going to leave them flattened again, point their three year whining temper tantrum toward the Republican representatives who had the temerity to question a line of insufferably arrogant, haughty and at times down right foolish Democrat impeachment witnesses who demonstrated they are more concerned with process than substance.

One JG writer engaged in the most absurd, blockheaded, backward, idiotic example in the history of absurd, blockheaded, backward, idiotic examples to support their boneheaded contention that 1) hearsay is reliable evidence and 2) military orders are akin to hearsay.  Hearsay is reporting what a third party told someone.  For any knowledgeable military person, an order from the commanding officer is not hearsay.  It is first case.  It is as if it were coming from the burning bush.

Democrats should absolutely continue to whine like cut dogs and pursue their impeachment scam.  It’s truly their very best look. But be aware of the PDJT jujitsu.  Their charade as likely as not to ensnare their current front runner as it is PDJT.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019 1:00 am
Impeachment spectacle embarrasses district
I like nearly 13 million other households watched the public testimony for the first day of open hearings of the impeachment inquiry. Like so many other times, the Republican Party spent more time attempting to protect the president than their oath to the Constitution. It was a very sad day for our country; it looks like the president of the United States has attempted to commit bribery and witness intimidation.
I also watched the Republicans on the committee who didn't ask questions but instead attempted to call the open hearings a television circus. Again, this group will never accept the fact that this is exactly what the Constitution requires: impeachment hearings when a president has violated his oath.
Page 1 of The Journal Gazette on Nov. 14 shows our congressman once again instead of watching the hearing, running his mouth and tweeting. He and others like him show their disqualification for being in office. We got to watch Rep. Jim Jordan scream and show that none of them are interested in the truth but rather over and over again disparaging the process they themselves demanded.
In their response that second- and third-hand conversations are hearsay, I am going to give them a simple example they might be able to understand: Banks, while serving the military, gets an order from his commanding officer to move out and he says no because the command was hearsay and he didn't hear the president give the command to the secretary of defense. I am pretty sure this would result in a court martial and a visit to the stockade for refusing to follow orders.
We seem to know more about the Ukraine issue than Banks because we listen. There is no excuse for his behavior or ignorance; he needs to be removed from office so the Third District is no longer embarrassed by him!
Thom Bauer
Fort Wayne

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