Friday, November 01, 2019

Let the next Dope hoax begin

Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser claims that nobody comes to congress looking to impeach the president.  Like everything that slips from that old hag’s sewer slit, it’s all a lie.  

We have baboon’s azz ugly Rashida Tlaib on tape the night she was elected saying she was going to impeach the M-Fer.  We have Rep Al Green (not THE Al Green) saying the Dopes had to impeach PDJT or he’d win re-election.  We know the Dopes have already held 4-5 failed votes to impeach the president.  So Peloser, as always and like 99.9% of Dopes, is lying scum.

The lying scum Peloser also said that there would be no impeachment unless there was bipartisan support.  The only bipartisanship on yesterday’s vote for an impeachment inquiry was on the side of not proceeding with the sham.  Yet we remain on the road toward impeachment.

I look at the impeachment as a double edged sword.  On the one side PDJT can use it slice and dice the liars to pieces.  When the bug eyed pencil necked liar Adam Schi(t)ff is forced to testify, he’ll be exposed the lying gasbag that he is.  When the blower is subpoenaed but fails to show, or is exposed as the Johnny the red Brennan's butt boy that he is, the hoax will be fully exposed.  When LTC Vindman is cross examined in public, we’ll learn what an overweight partisan hack and fraud to the uniform that he is.  The same will be proven for others when they are sworn in and vigorously cross examined.

On the other hand, I’m never disappointed when Rat establishment Republicans show up to these things armed with rubber knives while Dopes sport fully automatic weapons.  In an effort to appear evenhanded the ReRs will roll over and let the Dopes run rough shod over them.

PDJT cannot rely on elected ReR to carry the day.  If you doubt that read this.  Tough talking Lindsey Grahm did exactly squat to expose the Dope coup attempt.

I recommend that PDJT hire take no prisoners Joe diGenova to represent him at the impeachment hoax hearings and trial. That move alone might be enough to give the Dopes second thoughts about this BS move.

Once again the question of the day comes to mind.  Suppose Dopes do not hate the country.  How would what they are doing be any different if they did?  Is there one Dope in the House that seriously believes that there’s a snowball’s chance in hell that the Senate will convict?  No there isn’t.  So the entire thing is a charade to appease “the Squat” wing of the Dope party.  This is a purely political stunt.  Meanwhile, under Dope control, California continues to burn and human waste continues pile up in some of America's most picturesque cities. the USMCA remains in limbo in congress. Not one damn thing is being done for the good of the nation.  

So, you go for it Grand Nan.  See you in Nov 2020.

1 comment:

The Griffin said...

The Dem Dips launched their ship yesterday. With not enough provisions, fuel, maps, direction, or compass. It was only important to launch. When it fails they will blame everyone but themselves. And they will be rescued by Biden, Warren, or Sanders? I think not. The Dem Dips are desperate and almost out of time. Bad combo.