Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Slow Joe's path to the nomination - everyone else self immolates

Well there’s absolutely nothing going on today.  Except for a thinly veiled coup attempt by brain-dead Demo-Dopes, a record high stock market, record low unemployment, record high employment, al (PDJT) Bag(ged) (Schi(t)ff’s) Daddy* is dead, America’s energy industry is alive and living like a 16 year old with a brand new muscle car and the prettiest girl in the school for a prom date, 99.999999% of Americans are living better than all of the humans who have ever drawn a breath since Adam and Eve – so yeah, sure impeachment is totally justified. 

*NOTE: Were you able to decode that?

How do they do it?  How do Dopes get up every morning in a more P-Oed mood than the day before? It has to be exhausting.  What are they going to do when an impeached president runs for reelection and wins in an Electoral College landslide? It’s going to be wonderful to watch.

These Dopes are so wrapped around the “PDJT bad” axle that they cannot even celebrate the demise of al Bagdaddy (hey if they spell these names anyway they want, so can I).  Only PDJT can get Dopes to refer to the murdering, raping, Islamo Terror Fascist as a “religious scholar.”  What total BS. 

The Dope’s coup attempt is having a much more pejorative effect on their own front runner – chief clown, the extremely slow Joe Biden - than it is on the intended target.  Wylie E. Coyote strikes again.  

The lying, thieving, arrogant and remarkably stupid gasbag – Slow Joe Biden – and his loser, no talent, drug addict son are way too stupid to sit down and get their lies straight before one or the other opens his sewer slit and let’s flow a line of demonstrably false comments.

As Heap Big Chief Lizzy Can’t Add Warren is exposed as the idiot she is for saying her 53 TRILLION DOLLAR free healthcare for the world paid for by the American taxpayer can be done without raising taxes on the middle class is laid bare, and as crazy Bernie manages to tank further on the back of endorsements from the Squat, and as Mayor Pete can’t get more than .001% of the black vote, what is likely to be a severely crippled Slowest of all Joes is going to limp into the nomination where his gaffe a minute campaign style will be exposed by a relentless PDJT.

Way to go Grand Nan from San Fran Peloser and Schi(t)ff, you’re both doing a heck of job getting PDJT reelected.

Is Mexico already paying for the wall?
No, but here’s how PDJT can say they are.  The Mexicans are paying untold millions to patrol their southern and northern borders with tens of thousands of Mexican soldiers.  The Mexican government is doing far more than any Dope in Caligula, D.C. and spending far more money than ever before to secure OUR border with Mexico.  If Peloser passes USMAC, PDJT can say that USMCA agreement gives the US more leverage and a fairer trade that will accrue millions to the US and pay for the wall. 

Yeah it’s all flimsy as hell to be sure, but PDJT can sell it and dominate months of the news cycle making the argument, while Liberal’s head’s explode at the notion that Mexico is paying for the wall.  Fun stuff.

Interesting stuff
A kid is not old enough to buy cigarettes but he is old enough to be chemically castrated by his parents. Huh?  WTF?

It’s child abuse for a parent to spank a child for playing with matches, but it’s woke as hell to chemically castrate him at age 7.  Huh?  WTF?

It okay for a corrupt as hell Vice President to extort millions from Ukraine for his lazy drug addicted no talent kid, but it’s an impeachable offense to ask for an investigation of the extortion.  Huh?  WTF?

America spends more per pupil than other developed countries to educate children but ranks 20th in math and 90% of students cannot read at grade level, but to ask for a change in America’s education paradigm is resisted by “educators.” 

America is short of all kinds of tradesmen – HVAC, drivers, electricians, plumbers, heavy equipment operators, etc. yet Dopes continue to push for free college for all.  How about free trade school for anyone interested?  No can’t do that.  If we did, we wouldn’t need unfettered immigration if we started filling trade jobs from our own population. Huh?  WTF?

Vaping kills a couple of dozen people who likely bought black market vaping oils and it’s called an “epidemic” by the media.  The ChiCom bastards flood our country with fentanyl that kills tens of thousands of Americans every year and the media complains about PDJT’s trade tariffs on the ChiComs.  Huh?  WTF? 

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