Monday, November 25, 2019

Who risks the most exposure during a senate trial - the Dopes or PDJT?

The House is vowing to impeach PDJT.  PDJT has indicated that if they do, he will love going to trial in the senate.

Trials are risky things.  They are unpredictable.  You never know when the glove is not going to fit.  You never know when a witness that you’ve granted immunity is going to change his story and ends up getting the defendant acquitted - a la Navy Chief Eddie Gallagher. So these things can blow up at any time in any number of ways.

So who would a surprise hurt the most?  Well, seriously, the left has accused PDJT of literally just about everything already.  So is there something left that they could spring on us at this point that would shock us or surprise us?  Probably not.  Given their never ending Wylie E Coyote schemes to get PDJT since day one, they are the party that has cried wolf on PDJT 10,000 times too many already.  Last, PDJT thrives on this stuff.  It’s like throwing a party for him.

On the other hand the Dopes run a much riskier risk.  Their current front runner got muddied up as much if not more than PDJT during the Schi(t)ff Show.  What’s going to happen when the senate requires Schi(t)ff, Slow Joe and his worthless BS druggie son Biden, the Blower, Ukraine officials, et al to testify?  Good bye front runner. 

Look at this devastating timeline that will be exposed in full by PDJT’s lawyers when the Shifty One cannot gavel them down in 5 minute segments. That timeline is going to drag Dope saint Lil’ Barry O The Empty Suit into the Schi(t)ff Show and muddy his worthless azz as well.

To my way of thinking the Dopes have about 1,000 times more to lose than the Republicans. 

Now consider this.  I consider myself an average guy.  When I look at the Rorschach test that is impeachment, all I see in it is an inky mess.  Even if the Dopes have their Perry Mason moment proving there was a quid pro quo, I do not care.  I’ll state it even more clearly, there absolutely should be a quid pro quo for every penny of US aide.

So now the question becomes, not if there was a quid pro quo, but rather was the quo PDJT having his political opponents investigated?  Hmm, I’m old enough to remember when TES weaponized the IRS, FBI, CIA et al against PDJT and the Dopes couldn’t have cared less.

The question isn’t whether PDJT was asking the Ukrainians to investigate Slowest of all Joes but rather, is Slow Joe a corrupt as hell self-dealing POS.  The evidence is stacking up that he is and that’s in addition to being an absolute idiot and double d-bag to boot.

There is one Dope in the nomination field that is desperately hoping that the Dopes are dumb enough to go down the impeachment road.  If they do, all of the Dope front running senators – Crazy Bernnie, Farticus Booker, Willy Brown’s part-time whore Kamala Harris and Fake Indian Warren – are all going to be forced to listen to how their front runner ripped off the US taxpayer for the benefit of his worthless drug addicted son who otherwise isn’t qualified to be the ticket taker at an all nigh porn show.  That leaves Mayor Pete to suck up to Dope voters and Gazzilionaire Bloomberg a free field to spend his money to buy the Dope nomination.

My guess is that there are plenty of Dopes capable of doing this calculus.  As a result, I think there’s about a 50/50 chance that the Dopes don’t impeach. 

Insubordination runs wild in the military.  
Wannabe Adm Collin Green - aka The Green weeinie (TGW) - has vowed to screw the sailors when, after PDJT Pardoned Eddie Gallagher and restored his rank, TGW convened a board to swipe Galllagher’s Trident - the renowned pin emblematic of SEALs.

Let me make this as clear as I can.  TGW is a punk.  I do not care what the punk did before this odious action.  He – is – a – PUNK.  What he is doing is self-serving BS clearly meant to embarrass Gallagher and the CinC.  

If TGW doesn’t like what the CinC did with regard to Gallagher, he can put his trident and his stars on the CinC’s desk to demonstrate his disdain for CinC’s actions vis-a-vis Gallagher and go peddle his worthless, insubordinate leadership style to some crooked as hell defense contractor who I’m sure will welcome this azzbag with open arms.  Not only does TGW lack the manly equipment to call Chief Gallagher into his office and demand his Trident himself, instead he chooses to push his dirty work off onto a board of subordinates, he lacks the courage of his conviction to resign his commission.

This how you can identify a PUNK. He refuses to stand for his beliefs by resigning his commission.  He refuses to do his own dirty work.  TGW, Vindman, Bergdahl and Manning need to form a special club for uniformed #NEVERTRUMP punks.  Birds of a feather.  

UPDATE:  Now SecNav Spencer has been forced to resign for insubordination.  Apparently Spencer thought he could thread the needle on TGW’s insubordination by allowing TGW to continue his insubordination but then allowing Chief Gallagher to retire with his trident.  Good riddance dumbazz.  The correct answer would have been to have TGW standing tall in your office on Monday and firing his dumbazz and taking his trident.

Prediction:  A bunch wannabe GOFOs will decide it’s time to get out “in protest.”  The MSM will paint the exodus as PDJT destroying the military when in fact the military will gain strength when all of TGWs within get the hell out. This is the clearest piece I could find on this debacle. 

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