Monday, November 18, 2019

Three great pardons by PDJT sends the swamp into shock

UPDATE:  Clint Lorenz was just on Fox and friends and said anyone who has to be confirmed by the senate for promotion is no longer a soldier but becomes a politician and loses some their values.  OooooRah!!!!

Let’s face it, the American military, like the FBI, CIA, IRS, EPA, DOJ and most governmental institutions, has been infiltrated by leftist poseur frauds at the highest levels.  Lex noticed this several years back when Lex began to refer to general officers and Navy flag officers (GOFOs) as wannabes.  

POS and former Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) Famous Amos was the worst for me, because he was a Marine.  That worthless puss who couldn’t make it through Marine Corps office training at The Basic School – but said that he did - and was the first zoomie (aviator) to rise to the revered (at least among Marines) level of CMC sucked so bad he probably tainted the aviator pool’s ability to rise to CMC for the next 100 generations.  Amos famously told prosecutors that he wanted to “crush” Marines photographed peeing on a bunch of dead Tallies.  That’s a good reason to F**K the troop?  Really?

Running a close second was the navy commander of all forces in the Pacific – some weasel named Sam most definitely not the or even a man Locklear opined that climate change was biggest long term threat in Pacific area of operation (AOR).  His AOR contained such non-threats, at least when compared to climate change, as China, the pirates dominating the Malaccan Straits, North Korean nuclear threats, India/Pakistan flash point and at least 100 other menaces to peace and freedom of navigation in AOR, but this colossal virtue signaling dumbazz puts climate change above all else.  Why?  Well dealing with real problems requires real skills and courage that dumbazz obviously lacked.  So he makes up a problem that cannot be solved at any level and attacks that boogieman with a vengeance. 
Then there’s the LTC Heffington whistleblowing open letter on the decline of honor at the US Military Academy.  The commandant of that institution promised to investigate and get back to Heffington.  I do not recall any coverage of what the commandant’s investigation revealed, but I’m sure life goes on as usual, or in this case, as unusual at the academy.

Then I attended graduation at the Naval Academy and knew the “academy system” had been totally compromised.  I listened to NavSec Ray Maybus and the Naval Academy’s Commandant rave about bunch of social justice mumbo jumbo – this many LGBTYRDDGXNM, women, officers “of color” appointed to this position or that.  Not one F-ing word about war fighting or duty, or honor, or country in the long boring exercise until the Marine Corps Commandant – Gen Neller I think – told the Marine option midshipmen to get ready to deploy and defend the country. After the Naval Academy graduation, Lex came out in favor of closing the academies.  They have clearly lost sight of the mission.

Then there was the news that PDJT’s Chief of Staff retired Marine Gen. Kelly wanted to enlist Nikki Haley to help subvert the president’s intent – for the good of the country of course.  Kelly never denied Haley’s accusation instead he brushed his sedition aside as a bunch of administrative process changes. 

Then there’s PDJT’s SecDef fromer Marine Gen. Mattis who beat a hasty retreat from the administration when PDJT wanted to end endless wars.  Fine.  Get the F**K out.  Mattis went on to poke the Commander in Chief at the NYC Al Smith dinner, saying he (Mattis) earned his spurs in combat in Vietnam not the doctor’s office.  Funny enough, but the “warrior monk” might have saved his jabs for a long list of his Pentagon peers that have gotten us into unending wars with no definable or even achievable mission, end state, rules of engagement that favor the American fighting man, or a means of withdrawal.  The Pentagon strategy in these messes is not to develop a winning strategy, but rather just stay in the quagmire being bled for eternity.  Solid strategy men!  Mattis and the other “warrior monks” may have the earned the badge combat courage but none could withstand the daily assaults on his character, policy, family, administration…well anything and everything Trump that PDJT has withstood since day one.  None.  Not one.  And now Mattis joins the chorus?  That’s courage?

Lex. What triggered this “the military has been infiltrated” stuff?  Well PDJT pardoned 3 real war fighters over the weekend. I watched the as Fox News Sunday panel opined about the pardons.  Piss Wallace led the discussion with other all-knowing (g)assbags, Juan so dumb Fox had to hire Donna Bobo Brazil to him look smart Williams, Johnna NICE (No Initial Combat Experience) Goldberg and Jillian Turner all worried about how the pardons would affect the swells trying to run wars from the comfort of their Pentagon E Ring offices.

It’s telling that the three effete, pampered pu**ies (the wannabe men) on the panel couldn’t muster the strength to walk 10 steps in the real men’s boots PDJT pardoned, but are perfectly comfortable commenting on their pardons.  The correct comment from these three losers would be, “I have no idea what these guys went through.  I know I couldn’t do it.  I know the military lawyers acted like scumbags and were not fair to these guys or their families.  Maybe the pardons were in order.  I don’t know.”  Instead they blathered on about a bad precedence.  The military’s BS “justice system” got short shrift in the conversation. The railroading of the three by military lawyers - whose commendations were revoked by PDJT for their dishonesty in Chief Gallagher’s case – were of little concern to the panel.

Somewhere in the E ring of the Pentagon are scores of GOFOs who allowed the military justice system to treat these warriors like so much trash.  They’d served their usefulness and now it was time for them to be discarded.  Enter PDJT.  Not so fast.  The deep state Pentagon weasels are now in a tizzy.  It would be great to see every GOFO within 6 degrees of the BS that these three were forced to endure sh*t canned to far end of the Aleutian Islands until they “chose” to get the F**K out.  Better yet.  Put the lawyers, GOFOs and crooked pols in the ring and let Chief Gallagher and other two beat the sh*t out them for an hour or two.

I’m happy that PDJT pardoned these guys.  Now do the Marines that SFBs Amos “crushed.”  We send these guys off to our bidding and they do it - for the most part - magnificently. They should not be “crushed” by a bunch politically motivated GOFO pu**ies when they run afoul of foolish rules of engagement that do not allow them to win and cost American lives while causing suffering among the troops. The Caligula, D.C. swells who let these wars go on forever sans a winning strategy are the real criminals.

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