Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Fanning anti-Americanism trumps truth

This is an absolute must read for anyone concerned about the Koran abuse stories coming out of Gitmo. Yes there is abuse of the book which refers to Jews as pigs and apes. But the kicker is that most of the abuse is being perpetrated by the whackos who use this very book to justify their mass murder of innocent people, which this particular book explains aren’t really innocent because they don’t believe in the book and even if they are say a faithful Muslim child who happens to be blown up in a Baghdad school yard well that’s just too bad. Jihad and religious zealotry are a messy business. It makes no sense on any level – except to al Qaida’s propaganda arm - America’s own MSM. Al Qaida, what ever else you think of them, are smart dudes. They use our own planes to kill thousands of us and now they are using our own MSM to undermine our nation’s effort to root the murdering bastards out. Brilliant but sadly, it was predictable.

Now Joey Boy Biden, who obviously hasn’t read Gen Hood’s report because he’s been too busy scanning old British Labor party speeches for something he can rip off, says we ought to just shut Gitmo down. Well there you go. And no doubt if Osama bin Laden complained that his Koran got dusty from all of the US bombing in Tora Bora, Joey Boy would no doubt call for a more “sensitive” pursuit of Osama. The world is not yet a safe enough place to take Democrats seriously.

Then there is the infamous “Piss Christ”, and elephant dung Madonna supported by your tax dollars. The Democrats and MSM were all for the desecration of religious artifacts, even government support, as long as those artifacts happened to be Christian. Now these same phony baloney dolts feign outrage at defiling of the Koran. If Muslims by-and-large supported America and President Bush the press would be ignoring this story or encouraging the desecration as a means to undermine a religious movement supportive of America and the president – sort of like they do with Evangelic Christians. But because these Muslims are an excitable anti-American lot, America’s anti-America, anti-Bush press not only won’t let the story go, they don’t even report the truth.

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