Friday, June 10, 2005

Stem cell research a further assault on life

In the post below Lex discusses his epiphany with regard to abortion. Simply stated, if you work backward from a birth, it becomes impossible to determine the exact day, minute and second that a baby is not a baby. Faced with stem cell research issue, I believe that President Bush is faced with the same question – when does life begin? – and working backward from birth has arrived at the conclusion that it begins at conception.

Here are a few facts about this debate that Libs are sure to ignore:

1) President Bush is the first president ever to provide federal funding for stem cell research. Libs response to the president’s initiative is as predictable as the sunrise. We’re not spending enough. We need more and more money for more and more bureaucracy.

2) There is no restriction of stem cell research by private research companies. The fat cat, big shot actors and others screaming for more federal money for stem cell research are free contribute until it hurts to private companies doing this type of research. They are free to start a foundation and people across America who agree with them are free to give as much money as they want for their effort. Private investment and research would also be the most effective path for the people who believe in this type of research. When the human genome was being researched, the private company engaged in “cracking the code” so far outpaced the government’s effort that in a Big Government face saving move President Clinton forced the government project to cooperate with the private effort so that government could share in the success.

3) The most promising medical advances in this type of research come from adult stem cells and embryo stem cells that come from umbilical cord blood – neither of which requires the destruction of an embryo. Contrary to John “Pretty BOY” Edwards, Christopher Reeves would not have walked were John Kerry president. There is no silver bullet solution for medical problems within sight based on stem cell research. To the extent that there is refer to point two.

4) “Unused” frozen embryos are regularly used to create, guess what, babies for other couples having pregnancy difficulties. They are called snowflake babies. Libs will use the mantra “They are going to be discarded anyway.” Well maybe what we really need is law prohibiting the destruction of these embryos.

Humans are going to tinker. Stem cell research is going to be done. But the government ought not to be in the business of funding a type of research that were it done by the Nazis those responsible for it would have been hung for crimes against humanity.

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