Friday, June 17, 2005

Investigate Ted kennedy for water torture

What is the connection between the numbers 9, 6, 2.7, 1 .7, 1 and 0?

9 MILLION - The total number of people that died in Hitler’s death camps.
6 MILLION - The number Jews killed in Hitler’s genocide.
2.7 MILLION - The number of persons who died in Stalin's gulag.
1.7 MILLION - The number of Cambodians who died under Pol Pot.
1 - The number of people who died by water torture in Ted Kennedy’s car.
0 - The number of people that have died in Gitmo

Given these numbers, one would think that Democrats would be railing against Ted Kennedy rather than George Bush. But Al Jazeera spokesman Dick Durbin, uneducated buffoon that he is, compares the actions of American soldiers, whom he claims to support, to the likes of Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot. Ted Kennedy has tortured and killed more innocent people in his car than all of the soldiers at Gitmo combined.

What do you call a terrorist that has no country, wears no uniforms and targets innocent civilians? Whatever you might call them you wouldn’t call them Prisoners of War. The US has taken to calling these terrorists “illegal enemy combatants.” The Geneva Conventions were designed to protect soldiers not terrorists. In principle, to be entitled to prisoner of war status, the captured service member must have conducted operations according to the laws and customs of war, been part of a chain of command, wear a uniform and bear arms openly. Now let’s pares this last passage as if were spoken by Bill Clinton and we have to find out what he really said.

The captured service member must have conducted operations according to the laws and customs of war. The laws and customs of war strictly prohibit the targeting of civilians. Civilians are the primary targets of terrorists. The law of land warfare prohibits the use of religious buildings and ambulances for military advantage. The terrorists use these facilities as warehouses and transport for arms and to fire on our troops knowing that we will not return fire until extraordinary measures are taken to clear the building.

The captured service member must have been part of a chain of command. Obviously there is a chain of command at the top of al Qaeda. But the rest of the organization appears to be nothing more than renegade cells answerable to nobody.

The captured service member must wear a uniform and bear arms openly. None wear a uniform. And few carry their weapons openly. To do so would be a death sentence. It is called asymmetric warfare. Terrorists have learned it is a fool’s mission to meet the US in open battle. So they wear no identifying uniform and hide their weapons until gunning down civilians in a market somewhere.

Gitmo is full of terrorists committed to killing us and ending our way of life. Conservatives want to treat them like the murdering terrorist bastards that they are. Libs want to treat them like some misguided youth that has run up one too many parking tickets. Conservatives want act as if we are at war with a diabolical and nefarious enemy by killing and detaining the creeps reeking havoc on our way of life. Libs want to act as if we are having a rash of j-walking violations down on campus and want to solve the problem by issuing more tickets hauling the perpetrators before Judge Judy.

Still more proof that it is not yet safe to vote for any Democrat.

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