Monday, June 20, 2005

Something like treason

President Clinton has added his voice to list of those calling for the closure of Gitmo. In an interview with the Financial Times, the former president called for the camp, set up to hold suspected terrorists, to “be closed down or cleaned up”. Now that is more like it, mend it don’t end it. What do we know about “abuses” that have taken place at Gitmo. We have the Newweak story about a Koran that was flushed down the toilet. But that turned out to be a lie. In an ironic twist the investigation into the claim showed that the detainees were the ones doing most the Koran defiling. We know that RC Durbin has an unsubstantiated FBI memo that says guards may run the AC for certain prisoners very low then very high to extract information to save American lives. We know Amnesty International published a report that Gitmo is the modern day gulag – then admitted to not knowing enough about conditions at Gitmo to make such a claim.

The real outrage isn't what is happening to terrorist thugs at Gitmo. The true outrage is the MSM’s and the Lib’s immediate acceptance of any harmful report or allegation irrespective of origin. That outrage may be second though to their willingness to broadcast such tripe irrespective of the aid and comfort it provides the enemy, damage it causes the US and additional danger broadcasting such crap poses for our deployed forces.

Supposedly, you are not allowed to question the patriotism of these people. If you do, you get tarred by a compliant MSM. Even if you point to their anti-American defense voting record Libs like John Kerry will whine, “I’m not going to let anyone question my patriotism.” Well, no one was. We question your judgment voting against every defense bill for 20 years. But what if they were unpatriotic? What if they do have a great loathing for the US as the world’s only super power? What if they do despise America for her military and economic might? How would what they are doing be any different?

Rush Limbaugh on his radio show and Ann Coulter in her book “Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism” ask this very question. If the MSM and Libs were treasonous bastards in cahoots with al Qaeda and determined to bring the US down a notch or two, what would they be doing and saying differently? The answer is, not much. If RC Durbin were anti-American, he’d take to the senate floor and accuse America of being like the Nazis, Soviets and the Khmer Rouge. The senate minority leader, instead of telling RC to shut up and sit down, would defend him and blame the vast right wing conspiracy for printing accurately what RC said. If they were anti-American dopes, they’d compare the president of the US to Hitler and call him a loser. When wrong doing is exposed by a small group in the military, they would paint everyone in the armed forces with the same broad brush. They would plaster the scandal all over the front page month after month. They’d ignore the fact that the military had been investigating and prosecuting the wrong doers for weeks before the story broke. They’d call for closing a facility built to protect Americans, a facility they know nothing about, only because they believe the closure will give them political advantage and embarrass the president and US on the world stage.

No, you can not call them traitors. But you can ask yourself, “What would they be doing differently if they were?” And the answer to that question sadly is – not much.

Rare weekend blog - keep scrolling.

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