Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Tonight only! Two dopes for the price of one!

Howard “the scream” Dean is appearing tonight with the poster boy for historic ignorance, RC Durbin, at a thing called “Paint the Nation Blue fundraiser.” Wow! One can only imagine the lunacy which might emanate from the stage as these two great thinkers trying to out-do one another in order to work up the moonbats who would pay good money to see these two idiots on stage at the same time. It’s interesting to note that more Democrats believe the greatest threat to the US today is not terrorism but the faux issue of outsourcing. This is the Democrat base that “the scream”, RC, Pelosi, Shrillary, Teddy etc. have to appeal to in order to have a future as a Democrat politician.

Sadly, what RC Durbin said accurately reflects his beliefs and those that comprise the base of his party. That is why after a week of reflection, RC still sees nothing much to apologize for – after all he is the guest of honor tonight at the Paint the Nation Blue fundraiser. He must be adored by the base – right? Not only is RC not apologizing, no one in the Democrat party seem too terribly upset with what RC said. Scary Harry Reid says he is through talking about the controversy. Well that settles it. If Harry’s done, well then we’re all done.

The reason the scared one is done talking about RC’s treason is that while RC and other kook Dems have to say these idiotic things because a) they believe them and b) it gets the kook Dem base to cough up $$ - but it won’t win many statewide elections let alone a national one. So Harry’s between the proverbial Iraq and a hard place. He and Dem leaders have to sound like the anti-American kooks who they probably are to get money from their anti-American base, but anti-Americanism is not a very solid platform from which to run a political campaign in America. Poor Harry’s dilemma - abandon the kook base and their $$ or replace the war on terrorism at the top of the list of threats to America with outsourcing. Proof it is not yet safe to vote for a Democrat.

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