Thursday, November 08, 2007

Terror, borders & energy: A winning GOP platform

I got caught up watching a program on the History Channel last night, because they had a program on the Panama Canal. The canal remains a grand feat of engineering today. Imagine how it must have been regarded between 1904, when American construction began, and 1914, when the first tug transited the completed canal.

There was a portion of the program when they interviewed an Environmental Lawyer. He said quite frankly and openly, that a project like the Panama Canal could never be completed today due environmental red tape and regulation. Any attempt at such a project in 2007 would be mired in decades of legal battles, environmental impact statements and no doubt a statement from AlGore that the debate is over, the canal will lead to global warming.

Which brings us to today. Gas prices have bounced back over $3 a gallon. The hand wringing has begun anew. The Shrill monster is again talking about “taking” oil company profits. Dems talk openly of nationalizing the oil companies. If you think the price of gas is high now, wait until Dems start to run the oil business. Gas will be $8 a gallon and there won’t be any.

Our problem is not a lack of resources. We have plenty. China, in a deal with Castro, is exploiting Gulf of Mexico oil reserves that we should be exploiting. Alaska offers huge reserves. Nuclear power is available now and could account for a 25% drop in our dependence on foreign oil. US coal is abundant and can be cleaned to provide an environmentally friendly source of energy.

But we wring our hands and complain about foreign oil and our own oil companies when we just won’t step up and provide for ourselves. I’m hoping for $4-5 dollar gas soon. Only when the price goes through the roof, it seems, will Americans step up and say ENOUGH! Screw the three toed spotted June Bug, go get the oil.

The Rep candidates should run a three legged platform, defeat Islamo terrorism, secure our borders and energy independence. Democrats are in a bidding war to buy votes with your tax dollars. Reps should get into a “man on the moon in ten years” type battle for both border security and energy independence. The energy independence part will have the added benefit of significantly drying up funding for Islamo-terror-fascists.

Let’s get started!

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