Tuesday, October 07, 2008

The debate might be worth watching

Hell yeah I’m watching tonight. McCain finally seems to think this thing is worth fighting for. Since the weekend, he’s unloaded on B-HO for Ayers and now Freddie and Fannie. I have to think the wrong Rev Wright is going to come up before it’s all over.

He’s got the lines down - who is the real B-HO? Tonight McCain should follow up with - and what has done? The answers to these questions are - a smooth talking know nothing, do nothing, be nothing dope who hangs out with unrepentant domestic terrorists and unholy hate mongering preachers. It works for me anyway.

So when B-HO brings up the old song and dance that this all just a distraction from the main issue - the economy - McCain should segue into: “You want to talk about the economy? Let’s talk about the economy and a couple more of your shady associations - your buddies Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson. These buds of your looted Freddie and Fannie and caused a significant portion of the problem we are now facing.”

When B-HO tries to turn table and brings up Keating, McCain should point out that he and B-HO supporter John Glenn were cleared of any wrong doing. Is B-HO questioning John Glenn’s integrity?

A few words on – POLLS. Don’t believe them – at least until the last week. The people who run them are all Libs. This happens every election and we fall for it every election. John Kerry is now up in Ohio 87% to 4%. It looks like Bush willing be pulling his resources out any day now. It’s all BS. Besides, why worry? All you can do about it is vote, send in a few bucks and write a letter to the editor.

There is also a thing called the Wilder affect – named after Doug Wilder who ran for Gov of VA. Wilder, a Lib black guy, was way ahead in the polls and lost. How could that happen? Well it seems Libs were happy to tell the pollster that were going to vote for the black guy but in the privacy of the voting booth, Lib white Dems couldn’t pull the lever for a mino candidate. We’ll see if that is still true.

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