Tuesday, October 14, 2008

McCain risks losing both: campaign and war

Well if you still have doubts as to whether or not B-HO is a socialist, you’re brain dead -but this video clip ought to restore you to full brain function and remove any doubt.

Play it again and listen to how easily it rolls off his lips, “I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everyone.” He has none of his usual stammering and stuttering that is present when he searches in vain for a coherent mainstream thought. No, this socialist crap just comes out naturally, easily, real fluid, like a child singing the ABC song.

Also, notice how the dope forgot to throw in the $250,000 figure. Instead B-HO says, “I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everyone.” “The wealth,” when this idiot finds out that there are not enough people making $250,000 to do all of the socialist reengineering he wants to, is going to come down to $150,000 then $100,000 then $80,00 then $60,000. “Spread the wealth around” means if you’re making $45,000 and your neighbor is making $35,000, you need to help your neighbor make his house payments because “that’s good for everyone.”

When the Motor City Madman - Ted Nugent - was asked by Laura Ingraham why he thought B-HO was ahead, Nugent made the same point as covered in the second half of the clip. Nugent pointed out that one-third of the people PAY NO INCOME TAX. In addition, the government is the largest employer in America. So you have a significant percentage of America – maybe close to 40% - simply voting themselves a pay raise.

This is madness. The only good news is that – like all socialist Ponzy schemes – it’s unsustainable. How far into the toilet will we sink during four years of B-HO’s socialist redistribution? How do reverse a system that rewards such a large number of people “in the wagon” along for the ride and even whipping those pulling it? It’s crazy.

But our man John McCain would rather “lose running an honorable campaign.” He says, “I’d rather lose a campaign than lose a war.” Someone needs to grab him by the lapels, shake him and say, “If you lose THIS CAMPAIGN, WE WILL LOSE THE WAR. Now get out there and slap this idiot around like 10 eight year olds playing Slap Jack with a deck full Jacks.”

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