Wednesday, October 08, 2008

We're screwed in '08

What was that? A town hall meeting where you get the exact same questions…and answers…as when the lamestream media ask is boring. Where was the ponytail guy from the Clinton Bush debate – “How are you going to provide for my family?” Where was the boxers or briefs question? Where was the, “if you were a tree what kind would be?” Where was the, “have you ever hung out with a domestic terrorist?” Did you ever belong to a church where the pastor G-damned America? How about a good ol’ straight forward, what the hell exactly is a community organizer?”

This thing was so scripted and bad, I was continually watching the clock hoping for it to end.

McCain hit all of his points but was herky jerky in doing so. I understand why the brain dead among us would say B-HO won. McCain got in all of the inexperienced, tax and spend, big government liberal stuff that he could.

But what in the heck was that $300 billion to buy down mortgages? Is there a free market guy around anymore? What happened to personal responsibility? How can you call someone a tax and spend liberal when you just threw $300 billion new taxpayer dollars on the table? Then, how can you go on and say healthcare is a “responsibility” not a right? And what, paying your mortgage isn’t?

I knew I shouldn’t have watched. I won’t make that mistake again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are correct on all counts. There is a strong possibility that this could be called a "rebuilding" year for conservatives. Still Applachia St beat Michigan last year. If MAC goes down I hope he does not go down quietly. The Griffin.