Friday, October 10, 2008

Fire the final protective fire!

In the Marines, a final protective fire (FPF) is a use of all available weapons systems to stop an enemy’s advance. It is comprised of an all out use of direct fire weapons fired at the maximum rate of fire, set to create interlocking bands of fire and designed to kill anything that has the misfortune of wondering into their path. During the FPF, defilade areas are covered by mortar, cannon and other indirect fire weapon systems, again fired at the max rate of fire. The FPF is fired when the max number of enemy targets are available to destroy as much of the enemy force as possible in a short violent exchange.

Were I advising the McCain campaign, I’d make the following suggestions:

Fire the FPF in advance of the final debate. Fire the Ayers bomb. Fire the infanticide bomb. Fire the 2nd Amendment bomb. Fire the ACORN bomb. Fire the Freddie, Fannie, Raines and Johnson bombs. And yes, double down on the Rev. Wright bomb.

Get it all out there ahead of the final debate and then fire it all again. Ignore the questions and attack B-HO’s character and empty record. When the question comes up for the one thousandth time about the bailout, here’s answer:

Well that’s an excellent question that has been asked and answered a thousand times. B-HO, that one, was in bed with Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson who looted Freddie and Fannie for over a hundred million dollars. He was in bed with ACORN who along with their sleazy Dem buds in the congress perpetrated this mortgage fraud on the American people. Now ACRON is under investigation in ten swing states for voter fraud - fraud that this one, B-HO, taught them. Not happy with just ruining the American economy, now ACORN and the Dems are actively trying to steal an election.

He has long history of hanging out with creepiest people among us. From domestic terrorist Billy Ayers who bombed the capitol and the pentagon – long before Mohammed Atta and his buds ever came up with that idea – to Chicago street thug and convicted felon Tony Rezko who managed a sweetheart land deal that this buffoon and his family took advantage of. I may not know how many houses Cindy owns, but I do know none were bought with the aide of a convicted felon. And I’ve never belonged to a church where the pastor God-damned America and incited racial and religious bigotry – like that one did for 20 YEARS.

And speaking of the creepy people that one hangs with, how about the “leader” of his own party – Harry the surge is a failure the war is lost Reid? John the Haditha Marines are all murders Murtha? John we’re storming into Iraqi homes terrorizing women and children Kerry? RC our troops are like Nazis, Pol Pot and the Soviets who ran the gulag Durbin? What a despicable pile human trash.

Abortion is a touchy issue. Partial birth abortion isn’t. This guy supports that grotesque practice. In fact this idiot takes it a step further in denying a baby BORN ALIVE after a botched abortion medical treatment. Think about that. This one thinks it’s OK to take a LIVE BABY and throw him into a broom closet for a day or two allowing it to die from neglect. The child’s crime? Surviving an abortion attempt. My friends withholding medical treatment to child under those circumstances is, by any standard, murder - plain and simple murder. That one favors it. I do not.

Let me tell you what this election boils down to:

That one will lose a war. I will win it.
That one will murder the most innocent among us. I will protect them.
That one will take your money and guns. I will fight to see that you keep what is yours.

Now I’m leaving. I’ve said everything I have to say. Good night. See you on the trail. I’ve got better things to do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You hit it right on the head. Send this one to McCain.

AF Bro