Monday, October 13, 2008

Yes we are angry and for good reason

Democrats and their MSM lackeys have stumbled upon a new line of attack against McCain/Palin and the Republicans. Republicans are angry. I don’t know when anger, like discrimination, got a bad name.

Because, damn right we’re angry. I’m still mad as hell about 9-11 and don’t understand anyone who doesn’t clench their teeth and mumble “bastards” when the events of that day cross their minds.

I get mad when the exact same buffoons who got us into this financial mess are now the ones telling us how to get out of it.

I get mad when a “non-partisan non-profit” tax-exempt group like ACORN openly endorses a candidate and transparently engages in voter fraud on behalf of that candidate in 10 swing states with no consequence.

I get mad when Republicans get called racist every time they speak the truth about B-HO, ACORN, Franklin Raines or Fannie and Freddie.

I get mad when I hear scummy Harry Reid tell America “The war is lost. The surge is a failure,” even before the surge was in place.

I get mad when an overweight blubbering pant-load like Jack the ass Murtha accuses US Marines of murder without one iota of proof and before any hearing has taken place.

I get mad when low rent weasels like RC Durbin compare our troops to Nazis.

The point is, anger is not necessarily a bad thing. There are things that SHOULD make us mad as hell and willing to stand up against. When people stop getting mad, it is time to worry. That will be the time when good men do nothing and evil succeeds.

Besides, if you really want to see unhinged anger take a look at this.

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