Friday, October 17, 2008

Do what you can

As an average law abiding conservative, there are only about three things that you can do to influence an election. First send in some money to the candidates who support your views. I sent my final installment into McCain/Palin today and sent another couple of bucks to Bill Russell in what is probably a lost cause to beat Jack the ass Murtha.

Next is to send a letter into your local newspaper supporting your candidate. Below is the letter the Ft. Wayne Journal Gazette has agreed to publish.

Last is to vote. I’ll certainly do that.

Of course if you’re a Lib you don’t have to send in any money. George Soros and angry anti-American foreigners will supply Lib candidates all the money they need.

You don’t have to write a letter. Every Lamestream Media outlet in the country long ago gave up even the pretense of fair, accurate and balanced coverage.

But thanks to ACORN, Libs do have it tough in one regard. Even after filling out a dozen or so absentee ballots, they will still have to travel around on Election Day voting in as many different precincts as possible. The only good news in this regard for conservatives is that the lazy bastards don’t get up until afternoon.

Here’s Lex’s letter (copy it and e-mail it in to your local fish wrap if you like):

This is tough. I don’t know who to vote for. Let’s compare candidates.

John McCain’s character was forged over white hot coals during a lifetime of service to his country - five years of which were spent as a POW in a North Vietnamese prison camp.

Obama’s character was molded like Silly Putty as a dope smoking, cocaine snorting, underachieving youth; turned Ivy League affirmative action fill; turned community organizer; turned self-promoting politician.

John McCain has spent a lifetime in the company of heroes.

Obama has spent a lifetime in the company of truly despicable people including an America damning hate-filled racist preacher, a lunatic priest, black separatists, Chicago street thugs and a domestic terrorist who got the idea of bombing our Pentagon and Capitol Building long before that scheme ever crossed the warped minds of Mohammad Atta and his pals.

John McCain has used his public position to advance a governing philosophy of bi-partisanship and country first.

Obama has used his public position to advance himself and a governing philosophy of socialism.

John McCain will lower taxes.

Obama will further ruin the economy by raising taxes. History shows, when Democrats aim higher taxes at “the rich” they always end up hitting the middle class.

John McCain will win the war in Iraq.

Obama will surrender.

John McCain will protect innocent life.

Obama ratchets Democrat tolerance for any abortion at any time – even the grotesque partial birth type - down another notch to a new low - infanticide. Three times Obama voted against the Born-alive Infants Protection Act which would require medical attention be given to any baby who is born alive after a botched abortion.

Hey this isn’t as tough at all. Let’s vote.

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