Thursday, October 16, 2008

Put the trash out

When I joined the Marine Corps there was a way to boot less than stellar Marines out of the Corps. You know the type. The guys who are never caught stealing, assaulting, robbing, vandalizing and pissing in the office coffee pot but are always around the guys who are caught doing those things. It was called “frequent involvement with authorities.”

B-HO would have been booted from the Corps a long time ago for “frequent involvement with despicable people.” Have you noticed, Mr. Smoothie always has an answer?

“Why that hate-filled, racist, anti-Semitic preacher is not the man I knew for 20 years.”

“I was 8 years old when Billy Ayres and his wife were blowing up buildings in Washington D.C. That’s not the Bill Ayres I know. The Bill Ayres I know is the one photographed standing on an American flag in 2001 saying he wished he could have bombed more.”

“I had no idea ACORN was involved in massive voter fraud for Democrats in every swing state when I gave them over $800,000. That’s not the ACORN I mentored in voter fraud. We wouldn’t have this problem if ACORN had listened to me on how to commit fraud without getting caught.”

“Rezko’s a crook? Shocking! That’s not the Rezko I got my sweetheart housing deal from.”

“Why sure I known that Jack the ass Murtha called U.S. Marines murderers without proof and his own constituents racists, but that’s not the Jack the ass I know. The one I know was just an un-indicted co-conspirator in the ABSCAM scandal.”

Mr. Smoothie has a logical answer for all of the creepy alliances he has formed to propel his own career. Taken one at a time the answers could seem reasonable – if the guy offering the answers didn’t have so much to gain by getting over. But when you look at whole picture and take all of the creeps as set, you have to wonder what kind of lame brained dope could come into contact with so many terrorists, racists, crooks, liars, felons and ner-do-wells without knowing it or being influenced by it.

It doesn’t add up. On the one hand the Libs would have you believe that B-HO is the smartest guy in any room. He was first in his class and editor of the Harvard Law Review. On the other hand this tower of intellect is excused for not knowing his preacher of 20 years is a racists fool, Billy Ayres is a terrorists, Rezko’s a crook, ACORN is organized solely to commit voter fraud for Democrats, and the leaders of his own party are more interested in losing a war for political gain than winning for the good of the country. They can not have it both ways.

It’s obvious B-HO will do anything – to include forming alliances with human trash – and say anything to cover those alliances up to get what he wants. I don’t think he’s any better or smarter than the trash he hangs out with.

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