Monday, October 27, 2008

Is it time to start building your "compound?"

Uh oh, we’re in trouble. B-HO is acting like the American Caligula with comments such as “we have a righteous wind at our backs” and his supporters believe it. Thinking it safe and the election in the bag all sorts of new info is beginning to drip out on B-HO.

The first clue of B-HO’s plans for redistributing the wealth came when he declared himself a Democrat. Then there was the unguarded comment to Joe the plumber about “spreading the wealth around.” Now there’s this.

Did you get that?

“But, the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society. To that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical.”

Libs are always telling us that our complaint about Lib judges engineering social change through the judiciary rather than the legislative – i.e. legislating from the bench – is a bunch of hooey. Here’s a dope of a Pol caught in the act of advocating that extra-constitutional practice. And what issue is senor dope advocating it on? He wants the Supreme Court to be responsible to redistribute your wealth.

In a normal election cycle, any candidate making such an un-American anti-constitutional statement such as this would be done. This is not a normal election cycle. Proof of that is that any candidate who:

- sat in a church listening to a hate filled anti-American racists preacher for 20 years would be done.

- launched his political career in the house of a domestic terrorist who bombed the Pentagon would be done.

- voted in favor of infanticide 4 times would be done.

- condemned US forces conducting combat operations in support of freedom in “the good war” Afghanistan would be done.

and on and on.

This is not a normal election cycle. No doubt the B-HO spinners are out this morning telling the MSM to “move along, nothing to see here” and the MSM will do their part by dutifully averting their eyes and ignoring the story.

But wait there’s more. The framers counted on the natural tension between branches of the government to check each other. If the pols are correct, the Dems will control both houses by huge margins, the White House and at some point the Supreme Court. For the first time in my life, I can see this great republic caving in upon itself.

Here’s what’s in store for us if the new “new Dems” get their way:

Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., called for a 25 percent cut in military spending, saying the Pentagon has to start choosing from its many weapons programs, and that upper-income taxpayers are going to see an increase in what they are asked to pay.

So we’re now engaged in two wars and Slow Joe promises another “generated crisis,” yet Dems want to cut defense spending 25%. We’re in the middle of an economic “meltdown” and Dems want to raise taxes.

Given those two boneheaded policies, there may not be anything left for B-HO to redistribute. Order your 12 foot electrified fence and start building your “compound” now while you still can.

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