Tuesday, October 04, 2011

It's all fun and games until the other side shoots back

The biggest ruse ever is going on with “Occupy Wall St.” movement. ASIDE: Why is it “occupiers” are bad when it refers to US troops or the Israelis but good when it refers to left wing dopes? No doubt these are P-BO’s useful idiots trying to deflect what a total incompetent SFB the P-BO is on the economy and anything else out side “organizing” a pick up basketball game. The occupiers’ mission is to deflect responsibility for the economy onto anyone but “The One.” In case you didn’t know it, the HuffPo lists six things the “occupiers” ought to demand. This incoherent argle bargle is what passes for “thought” on the left:

1. People over profit: An economic democracy is an economy that subordinates profit to people, not the other way around.

COMMENT: Subordinate profit to people, nice. Does that mean that “the people” get to come to work whenever they choose, get paid as much as they want, do only the tasks they want to do? If there are no PROFITS, how do the PEOPLE get paid?

2. Stakeholders over shareholders: An economic democracy is an economic system in which the voices, rights, and interests of all economic stakeholders -- including employees, stockholders, communities, ecosystems, other species and future generations -- are represented. Unlike our current economy where shareholders are given primacy, in an economic democracy no one stakeholder is granted a disproportionate degree of power and privilege.

Comment: Huh? Look at that first line again: An economic democracy is an economic system in which the voices, rights, and interests of all economic stakeholders -- including employees, stockholders, communities, ecosystems, other species and future generations -- are represented. What on God’s green Earth is NOT included in that definition? Under this arrangement Pepsi gets to decide how Coke does business. Future generations? Since when are Libs worried about future generations? They consistently want to wreck the economy for any future generation that might escape the abortion mill and death panels.

3. Better not bigger: In order to reorient the economy towards people and all stakeholders, we have to release it from the captivity of profit. In an economy geared towards GDP growth, the bottom line is the bottom line, and protecting it means suppressing wages, slashing payrolls, passing on costs to other people, other places, and other times. Most importantly, our economy has outgrown the physical limits of the planet, and saving civilization means stopping growth. A democratic economy should be a steady-state economy where existing wealth is distributed fairly, and where economic health is measured by true indicators of social welfare rather than the blunt and archaic tool of GDP. The Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy is a useful resource for steady-state solutions.

Comment: These are obviously people who have never been asked to pay for anything in their lives. They malign profits while griping about suppressed wages. Where do wages come from if not the profit of whatever enterprise we’re talking about? Oh yeah “distributing” the existing wealth. Outgrown the physical limits of the planet? The US government owns/controls over 80% of the land and resources in the US. We haven’t out grown anything. Steady state economy? With 1% growth in the GDP, that’s what we’ve got right now and things ain’t lookin’ so great. And just asking, wouldn’t a steady state economy necessarily mean suppressed and stagnant wages?

4. Main Street not Wall Street : The design of our financial system undermines true markets and productive community-based enterprises in favor of reckless speculation. It is designed to suck wealth away from communities and towards the corporate elite. A good blueprint here is the New Economy Working Group's report How to Liberate America from Wall Street Rule.

Comment: Hey I’m all for it. Sadly or gladly, depending on how you look at it, working people save a lot time and money by doing business at the Wal Mart and McDonald's. There’s nothing I like better than to walk into a Mom & Pop place and plop down an extra buck or two for a nice meal and friendly word. But economies of scale seem to be the only way to reach the first 3 goals. You cannot have Mom & Pop using energy to run 50 different businesses when Wal Mart gets it done at a fraction of the stress on an already “outgrown” planet.

5. One employee, one vote: An economic democracy is an economy where companies are built around the concept of one worker, one vote. In an economic democracy a company is a community of employees, where the employees, as full citizens of that community and the true source of company profit, decide how to invest that profit in the community. In this way, an economic democracy is distinct from both capitalism and socialism -- both variations of economic oligarchy -- where private boards on the one hand and public bureaucrats on the other decide how the profits workers generate are disposed of.

Comment: “Profits workers generate” of course will be a thing of the past. The “people” will just show up to work when they want, do whatever they want to do on that particular day and take home as much pay as they think they need, right? Sound’s good to me.

6. Economic Constitutionalism: In the United States Constitution the framers properly defined the powers and limits to the powers of the powerful institutions that govern our society. In an age where corporations have become as powerful as any institution of government, and have amassed undue influence over the policies of those institutions, their powers need to be defined and constitutionally limited just like any institution of government.

Comment: Amen brother. Keep Jeffy Imelt, Richard the dick Trumka, Andy Stern et al the hell away from the White House.

I think we need to take these people seriously. And by seriously, I mean go out and buy more ammo. Some little occupier d-bag named Harrison Shultz is calling this a revolutionary movement not a reform movement.

Well ok then. Let’s not be like the US government when the jihadis declared war on us and we did nothing. When Harrison mans up and actually starts something, he needs to take a good @$$ whippin’ right then and there.  Londoners were looking to buy baseball bats on e-bay while their city burned.  We should be ready before the first match is struck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Griffin and I were at the Stonewall Speciality Foods Homestore yesterday in York, Maine, yesterday. It is big with tour buses dropping by. Up the road in Portland a group was on TV in a Corporate Greed Satelite Protest. Stonewall was started by two gay men in 1991,has been very successful,and charges $6-$9 for small jars of jellies and jams. I hit the taste testing tables. It is good stuff. But I can buy 4-5 Smuckers for every one Stonewall. Someone should send that Portland crowd to York. Stonewall prices are higher than a cat's back. They could protest the Starbuck's down the street too. The $4 coffee is theft in the extreme. Distressed jeans? Whoa! Take a pair of old, cut up jean cloth, then charge 3 times a new pair and call it distressed? What can I get for a distressed 2004 F-150 pick up truck? Anyway, maybe it is not corporate greed if the company is "green", "liberal", or sends a couple of cases of jellies to a homeless shelter every 2-3 months. The Griffin.