Thursday, April 09, 2015

Gaystopo demands homosexuality be taken off the "sin list"

Lex has often noted on this page, tolerating homosexuals isn’t enough for the Gaystopo.  Radical homosexuals are not interested in sitting down in a bakery and having a cupcake and a cup coffee.  They demand not only that you serve them but also tell them how beautiful they look, what a handsome couple they make to served, demand an invitation to their wedding and bring them a nice wedding present. 

Eff ‘em.  I do not care what they do.  I am not going to participate in it.  I’m not going to celebrate it.  I am not going to promote it.  For the Gaystopo, Lex’s tolerance is not enough.  It is the new definition of discrimination and homophobia.

Now Frank Bruni at the NY Times thinks it’s time for Christians to take homosexuality off the sin list.  He goes on to list a number of Christian teachings that have been abandoned over time or ignored by the flock.  Which reminds me of what one priest once told a crowd, “Catholicism has not been tried and found to be wanting.  Catholicism has not been tried because it’s hard.”  Let’s just say a lot of what Bruni points to as examples of where Christianity is thought to be wanting are actually examples of encouraging behavior that is hard.

The big piece left out of Bruni’s article is the tolerance Christianity teaches for all sinners.  Seems to me the Gaystopo is the one that needs to be – excuse the pun – preached to about tolerance.  These thin skinned whiner machines spend their entire days walking about looking for someone to offend them.  Given that they are willing to turn over every rock in search of intolerance, is anyone surprised that the Gaystopo run into that occasionally?

Eff ‘em.  I know a few homosexuals.  I’d probably know a whole lot more if I gave a crap about delving into someone’s sexuality, which I’m not.  I can make a long list of descriptors for myself, “heterosexual” wouldn’t make first three pages.  I would wonder about anyone who thinks their sexuality is what defines them.  Most people who think their sexuality defines them are probably proud members of the Gaystopo. 

I could walk by Frank Bruni (don’t know don’t care if he’s homosexual) or the hate mongering golf coach who wants to burn down Memories Pizza and not give a thought about “who they love.”  Why do I get the feeling that as I walk by them not giving a $h!t about their sexuality, they walk by everyone looking for someone to say or do something that they can condemn them for. 

Bruni makes the case about the percentage of people who support homosexuals and their agenda as opposed to Christians or Bible thumpers who support the radical homosexual agenda.  I’ve been thinking about using the polls as an indicators of “support” as opposed to percentages of people who tolerate things.  Most people might tolerate homosexual marriage.  I’m not sure how many “support” it.  There’s a difference in my mind.  People tolerated abortion.  Now, ultrasound has that number dropping every poll.  As homosexual marriage bears no fruit – literally – through the next few decades, tolerance may fall away as it has for abortion.  Check out the last paragraph of the 4/2/15 post – There’s still hope - below.

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