Friday, April 10, 2015

U of Meatchicken run by the footbal coach - good choice

The University of Meatchicken said it would not run the hit movie American Sniper because students protested the film’s subject, Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, as a “racist” and “mass killer.”  Of course whenever an anti-American, anti-Christian, homosexual loving, pro ISIS campus group protests something the anti-American, anti-Christian, homosexual loving, pro ISIS university administration folds like dining room napkin.  Such was the case at the University of Meatchicken. 

Enter the university football coach, Jim Harbaugh.  Harbaugh tweeted:  Michigan [AKA Meatchicken] Football will watch "American Sniper"! Proud of Chris Kyle & Proud to be an American & if that offends anybody then so be it!  That is leadership, a completely foreign concept on most American campuses these days.

Of course faced with leadership from arguably now the most powerful man on campus, the university administrators retreated back into the holes they crawled out of after issuing a tweet:  We're planning to show #AmericanSniper in a forum that provides appropriate space for dialogue & reflection.  

That tweet led to these hilarious responses from Bill Kristol:

A sports bar? MT @UMInvolvement We're planning to show #AmericanSniper in a forum that provides appropriate space for dialogue & reflection.

Hey, I know of a place that used to provide "an appropriate space for dialogue & reflection." @UMInvolvement. It was called college.

Richard the dick Armitage is baaaaack
Here’s the story about when lying power hungry $h!ts – like Richard the dick and Patty Fitzgerald - get innocent people killed.  What’s missing in this story is what Uncle Fester’s boss - Gen Powell - knew and when he knew it.  In my mind he’s as complicit as the other two D-bags.  Read it and weep.

SC Shooting
Lemmesee cop Michael Slager has been fired, jailed and charged with murder for shooting Walter Scott in the back.  Yet the race hustlers are still shouting "no justice no peace."  Hmmm, what else is supposed to be done?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From the Griffin...
The new Ben and Jerry's ice cream is called U of M Yellow Chicken. It tastes like crow. And where will the UM book burning be held after the movie? And isn't the U of M due for a fake gang rape accusation so the university can ban something? Duke and Virginia are elite schools with lots of whites too that need dropped down a couple of notches. UM surely needs a fake crisis, let's call it Krystal Nacht, to clamp down on something. If only they had an on-campus police shooting! Until then they will just have to do the best they can. Banning movies is too tepid. It is just not easy to spend ALL their state funding on education. Some needs spent on made up social issues. Maybe they could form a great university protest of Christians and drive all the way to Dearborn-I-Stan, 45 minutes, to do it.