Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Better to be a known womanizer than to try to deny the charges

It’s that time of year when Lex begins to tune out all of the “news” crap in an effort to enjoy Christmas and the New Year. Not having heard much news wise since Thursday, here’s what’s up. We got about 4” of global warming last night. It’s the second snowfall already this year. To the crowd at the University of East Anglia, this has to be the missing piece of data that needs to be fudged, ignored, denied and lied about that pretty much puts the final nail in the coffin of the global warming doubters. Snowfall in Ft. Wayne on the 29th of Nov. means the debate is officially over.

Even if you’re “tuned out,” who could miss the latest with my man Herman Cain? Lemme just say, if you’re tweeting some gal, not your wife, in the wee hours of the morning there is seldom a legitimate reason for it. I’d go with the, “I was counseling a troubled woman through difficult times,” line of BS. But who really knows? And that’s the point, nobody really knows. Even if it’s all an elaborate lie and sham, Cain has been damaged so badly with so much doubt cast upon him, I think he’s toast.

So who will benefit? Newt as the new anti-Romney will gain the most. This scandal has the added benefit of inoculating Newt from similar charges. First off, Newt has the advantage of being known serial womanizer. So he can always say, “Yes, yes, of course it’s true, and it’s old news. It’s a well known fact that when it comes to romance, I’m a deeply flawed human. I have turned the corner on that period of my life with a new religion that I take very seriously and a new wife that I truly love. No really, I mean it this time.”

Second, how many times can you go to the same political scandal well? At some point, when all 37 Republican candidates have these kind of charges leveled against them, people begin wonder. I find it a bit ironic that Herman is in such deep trouble for mere allegations when Newt, a confirmed philanderer, has gotten a pass. It’s funny because Herman vehemently denies every accusation while Newt, says, “Yeah, that’s pretty much true.” Yet, it’s Herman who is on the ropes while Newt's star continues to rise. Weird Huh?

I believe that Herman will end his candidacy with a statement to the effect, “I cannot continue to put my wife and family through this drip, drip, drip of daily lies.”

Well, I have to get out there and get the global warming off the driveway.

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