Monday, September 26, 2011

Sedition? Only if you oppose a balck man.

Lex’s conspiracy theory # something or other* predicted the Dopes would turn to social unrest and intimidation as means to suppress voter turnout in conservative districts or have the 2012 election cancelled all together. Is the groundwork for that conspiracy theory being laid by the two Mikey’s and an IA Sen?

The two Mikey’s - Moore and Bloomberg - are predicting violence if the jobs picture doesn’t improve soon. Remember, Bloomberg is the guy who is advocating bringing more immigrants into the country to get the economy moving again. Yeah, weird huh? That’s very counter intuitive. But Mikey B. has made more money than me so what do I know?

The prediction of riots by these two Mikey’s sounds almost like a self full-filling prophecy. Sort of like, “Well we aren’t advocating riots, but we’d certainly understand if you people took to the streets and smashed windows and took things that are not yours. That would be totally understandable. After all the fat cats are getting fatter and you poor and down trodden just want to get the rich people’s boot off thier necks. So yeah, it’s totally understandable for you to riot to get things you didn’t work for. Totally. So…watch out for the totally justifiable riots that may occur.”

Now if you asked the two Mikey’s if they were inciting discontent or rebellion against his own government, the text book definition of sedition, they’d reply, “Oh of course not! How dare you! No more so than Martin Luther King or Gandhi.”

Then after the two Mikey’s urge, uh, er, rather predict riots, you read about IA senator Tom I flew F4’s in Vietnam, no wait it was Japan, an easy mistake Harkin encouraging Demo-Dope supporters that the Dopes “need some of you probably getting arrested for doing things you shouldn’t be doing,” it’s easy to see why the two Mikey’s might have stumbled upon something.

Now if you asked Senator Harkin if he was inciting discontent or rebellion against his own government, the text book definition of sedition, he’d reply, “Oh of course not! How dare you! No more so than Martin Luther King or Gandhi.”

Then you have a couple of hundred NY protesters taking Vietnam war hero Tom Harkin up on his idea. About 80 people in the group were arrested during the Demo-Dope day of Wall St. Rage. Of course when you’re a Demo-Dope and you break the law and get arrested, it’s police brutality. Here’s one take on the “violence”:

"I was shocked because it seemed like one person after another was being brutally tackled, and it wasn't clear why. I was deeply disturbed to see them throw a man and immediately they were pounding on him. Their arms were going back in the air. I couldn't believe how violent five people needed to be against one unarmed man."
Meaghan Linick, 23, from Greenpoint, Brooklyn

Hey! Meaghan! Did you see what happened in London? Maybe the NY cops aren’t going to sit by and watch a bunch of know nothing, do nothing, be nothing oxygen thieves wreck the city.

Now if you asked the oxygen thieves if they were inciting discontent or rebellion against their own government, the text book definition of sedition, they reply, “Oh of course not! How dare you! No more so than Martin Luther King or Gandhi.”

Then, the best guy ever to play an average black guy in the movies, Morgan Freeman, says the Tea Party is going to do whatever it can to get the black guy out. Which black guy Morgan? Holder or the P-BO? Both are threats to the American way of life.  Here’s what Freeman said on some CNN talker nobody watches,

“Screw the country. We’re going to whatever we do to get this black man, we can, we’re going to do whatever we can to get this black man outta here.”

Yeah pretty incoherent, but ahh, give the guy a break. He’s used to having other people write down what he’s supposed to say for him. And in the same interview he referred to Mitch McConnell as Mitch O’Connell. Who cares? All those drunk Scott/Irishmen look and sound alike anyway.

If there is violence in America’s cities, it’s all Slow Joe Biden’s fault for not digging up more shovel ready jobs. And wasn’t Biden supposed to be watching the stimulus money to make sure we didn’t get ripped off? Solyndra? Class? Bueller? Anyone? Class? 535 MILLION DOLLAR federally guaranteed loan? Anyone?

Why isn’t Slow Joe being hounded by the press about his incompetence as the stimulus money watchdog?

* You know you’ve gone off the rails when you have so many conspiracy theories that they have to be numbered, and even with that, you cannot keep them straight.

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